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(Continued from page 7) presentation covers:
What is a podcast?
3:00 PM ET What can you podcast about?
How hard is it to start a podcast?
Getting started in researching your Family Histo- What kind of equipment and software do you need?
ry (Even if you have been researching for years) Do you need a website?
Jeri Steele, Genealogist How do you get your podcast out there?
Register at Eventbrite
Whether you are just getting started or have been
researching your family history for years, Jeri pre- More information at:
sents some steps to organize, plan, document, and
record your work. These steps keep you moving for-
ward with your research instead of getting buried in
the details. Case studies will be presented as exam- 11 best hidden
ples. Window 10 tricks
TRACK 2 to know now that
you’ve upgraded
1:00 PM ET
from Windows 7.
Future of Technology Your guide to the secret start menu, screenshots and a
Dave Dockery, President
Tampa Bay Technology Society useful battery saving tip.
There may be a few of you out there who haven’t taken
While it’s obvious that change in the world has been the plunge and upgraded to Windows 10, but if and when
speeding up in the last several years, Doc will ex- you do, here’s a few tricks that will help you enjoy the
plain why the world is going to speed up even more new OS.
in the future. What does that mean for those of us
who want to keep abreast of all of the coming Unlike Apple, Microsoft is close mouth about hidden fea
changes. tures within their operating system and this make is diffi
cult to know how to get the most out of your computer.
2:00 PM ET Therefore, you may need to seek out other sources to
help you discover these hidden features.
Introduction to Home Automation
Bill James, Vice President Some may have their own list of source for additional
Computer Club of Oklahoma City reference and our president is sending out links to ones
that he finds informative.
Bill’s presentation covers: What is home automation,
how to get started, what is required, two approaches Over the years, we have asked member to share links
– device or system, commercial home automation which the find would be of interest to other club mem
and security systems, do it yourself devices, types of bers so it can be published in the monthly newsletter or
hubs or controllers, security and privacy. through our Google Groups.
3:00 PM ET I’m still in the process of upgrading a few of my older to
computers to Windows 10 and thought I would share this
Creating a Podcast for your group
Michael Crose, Board Member and Podcast Creator link with you.
Tampa Bay Technology Center
Is there a podcast in your group’s future? Michael’s 19 Best Windows 10 tricks
February 2020 8