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Fitbit Versa 2 Smartwatch                             because they use their tablet or smartphone for all

         By Jasmine Blue D’Katz                                  their needs.

                           For the past several years, I’ve      For them, the iPad vs PC question is irrelevant. You
                           been a big advocate of Fitbit         might as well ask if a pickup truck can replace a
                           health trackers and lately, I’ve up-  tractor-trailer rig. The can both move the same load
                           graded from the Fitbit Versa to the   of boxes, but one will do it in one trip while the other
                           Fitbit Versa 2.                       will require dozens. But millions of people drive
                                                                 pickup. And for more than a billion people an iPad
                                                                 is all the computer they’ll ever need.

         Why?                                                    EPIPHANY
         Well like everything, I upgraded for the new features.   Lake County Area Computer Enthusiasts (LCACE)
         Like the original Versa, it still tracks my steps, dis-  was established as a computer user group in the
         tance, calories burned, hourly activities and active    80’s but has since transitioned as a computer/
         minutes, floors climbed. But I wanted more. The new     technology group with the onslaught of tablets and
         advance features now include Sleep Score, 24/7          smartphones. For some, there’s still a need to have
         heart rate and onscreen workout.                        access to a computer but still so much of what your

         Since Versa is connected to my smartphone, I now        needs can be done on an iPad with the right app
         receive phone, calendar and text notifications. I’m     and or connection. Yes, for some, there will be that
         able to use the Amazon Alexa Built in to get quick      program that isn’t available on a tablet or phone So
         news and information, check the weather, set timers     the answer to can an iPad replace the PC, is obvi-
         and alarms, control my smart home devices and           ous Nope!
         more with just the sound of my voice.                   Now for a Mac user, the answer may be different,
         Other features like being able to control Spotify,      whereby the iPad does everything one may need,
         download Pandora stations and store and play 300+       and you may not be at your desk to computer it.
         songs are not one of the features I used, but it’s      OVERHEAD
         there. Like the Apple Watch, Versa had Fitbit pay for
         using secure purchase.                                  Any iPad or Microsoft Surface is far mor powerful
                                                                 than machines back in the 70’s with their 8-bit
         Versa is water resistant to 50 meters, and I don’t      CPUs that ignited the PC revolution. But with is im-
         plan on testing, but I have mistakenly worn it in the   portant is that today’s systems are way easier to
         shower.  Through the Fitbit app, you have a fast se-    use than those command=-line OS systems were.
         lection of clock faces to chose from. Battery life is
         about 5+ day and it takes less than 2-hours to fully    iPad have taken that a step further, with much sim-
         charge. Versa is compatible with iOS and Android        pler system management. They’re hard perfect, but
         and requires the Fitbit app.                            a big improvement over PC management.

                                                                 THE STORAGE BITS TAKE
         Can the iPad replace my PC?                             The huge majority of PCs today are smartphone

                                                                 and tablets. Traditional PC’s make up about a third
         By JBD
                                                                 of the market.
         I’ve been using a                                       Which is the second reason that “Can an iPad re-
         PC/Atari Computer                                       place a PC?” is he wrong question. PC replacement
         since the early 80’s                                    is a done deal for most people.
         but it seems that
         now days, I’m                                           For the iPad’s 1pth birthday, let’s give it a present.
         spending more                                           Stop asking if it can replace a PC. It already has.
         time on my iPad. It appears today that more and
         more people have little to no computer experience

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