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Apps that make your iPad

         work like your computer.

         I can get more work on my Apple tablet

         Compiled by Jazmine Blue D’Katz                           ment for Word or even HTML.

         Like a few of you, the iPad has become a critical part of   Office 365 apps
         my daily workflow. I use it more for managing my inbox    Microsoft has made the Office 365 app available for
         to coordinate my schedule, writing quick notes and ide­   the iPad and it’s my go to app for Outlook, Word, Ex­
         as for a new article.  The software has improved over     cel, PowerPoint and OneNote and they are all fantas­
         the years and allowed me to do more and more. Now         tic if you are a Microsoft user. You will need an Office
         that the iPad has its own operating system, it has be­    365 subscription to use this app like Word and Excel,
         come more like a computer with all the new and power­     however anyone can use Outlook as their main email
         ful apps. Therefore, I will give you an insight to what’s   app.
         on my watch for list.
                                                                   G Suite apps
         Apple Mail                                                If you prefer Google products over Office 365, then
         This free app is installed by default on all iPads and has   Google has all the core apps available in the App
         lots of valuable features, especially with some of the    Store. I’ve use Docs and Sheets on a few occasions,
         reason updates.  Like other email apps, Apple Mail        and I use Gmail as a backup email.
         makes it possible to compose multiple emails and
         search though your inbox at the same time.                PDF Expert
                                                                   PDF had become a main stay over the years and is al­
         Fantastical 2 for iPad                                    most a must on your tablet. PDF Expert is more than
         Although my mail calendar program is Google, I’ve seen    just a PDF reader. I will allow you to edit file including
         and few features I like in Fantastical 2. This app com­   images and text, along with annotating and marking-
         bines your task and calendar entries into one app, and    up documents. I can also be used to sign documents,
         it’s easy to use thanks to being able to create a new en­  fill out forms, and open ZIP files.
         try just by typing a single line of text. For example, if
         you enter “Meeting with David next Thursday at 3: the     Zoom Cloud Meetings
         appointment will be created without and further effort    Quarterly, I’ve attended APCUG meetings using Zoom.
         on your part.                                             This is an easy way to hold meeting with other mem­
                                                                   bers of APCUG and conduct their online presentations.
         1Password – Password Manager                              The app allows you to join or create the meetings us­
          Here’s a password app that I tried that creates unique   ing the front-facing camera I’ve considered doing
         passwords for your online accounts, stores them all and   online presentation for our club member, so keep an
         enter them automatically for you in the apps and web­     eye out.
         sites. This one is not free, but it comes with a 30-day
         trial after which if you decide to keep it you will need to
         sign up for a $3.99 monthly subscription.

         iA Writer
         My main go to app is Microsoft 365, I’m tried this simple
         straight forward text editor that supports the Mark­       Sorry, I didn’t get your article this month.
         down syntax which makes it easy to export your docu­

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