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Online Options

          For Learning

          From Home

          By Dawn Williams, Senior News

                                                               tremely  reasonable  (and  in  some  cases,  entirely
                                                               free), and the technology is easy to use. I am current-
                                                               ly enrolled in programs offered through Coursera and
                        oing  back  to  school,  according  to   Udemy, and plan to explore others on a regular ba-
         G  Forbes, is changing the college de-                sis. Here are a few to consider.
         mographic.  More  adults,  includ-ing  those  in  their
         50s,  60s  and  beyond,  make  up  a  significant  per-  The  Open  University.  If  you're  a  first-timer,  start
         centage  of  college  students.  Most  people  work   here. This plat-form is especially easy to use, and the
         longer  than  those  in  previous  generations,  and   courses offered are not highly rigorous.
         prepar-ing  for  an  encore  or  higher-paying  career
         move offsets the cost. For others, finishing their de-  Partnering  with  major  universities  as  well
         gree took a back seat when babies and mort-gages      as leading businesses, EdX offers courses, certificate
         took  over  their  world,  and  earning  the  credentials   programs, and even master's degrees online, Cours-
         they worked hard to attain can once again become      es include art and culture, business, communication,
         a priority later in life. And still other seek higher edu-  computer science, engineering, education, medicine,
         cation for the pure love of learning.                 social sciences and more. This platform is geared pri-
                                                               marily toward those who want to attain skills and cer-
           Other older learners are less interested in earning   tifications that fill a need in the workplace, but anyone
         a  degree  than  acquiring  knowledge,  again  for  the   is welcome to take courses for their own edification.
         pure love of learning. Continuing education and life-
         long  learning  programs  at  local  colleges,  classes  This  platform's  mission  is  to  allow
         offered  through  park  districts  and  libraries,  and   learners  from  all  walks  of  life  to  gain  knowledge  in
         community groups dedicated to specific topics, are    areas of interest. Instructors from some of the world's
         all good sources for learning.                        best  uni-versities  teach  these  self-paced  courses,
                                                               many  of  which  are free.  Coursera  offers  a forum  in
         For  the  tech  savvy  senior,  a  powerful  option  now   which  students  can  hold  cyber  discussions  and  re-
         exists.  Massive  Open  Online  Courses,  referred  to   view  each  other's  assignments.  Certificates  are
         as  MOOCs,  are  courses  offered  via  online  plat-  granted  for  course  completion.  For  a  reasonably
         forms, providing education through a combination of   monthly fee, you can study to earn specialization cer-
         lec-tures,  videos,  and/or  reading  material.  This   tificates,  and  accredited  master's  degrees  can  be
         teaching  model  is  grow-ing  massively  (no  pun    earned in a limited number of subjects.
         ·intended), and originators of these courses include
         individuals educated in the area of study, as well as  has  served  over  40  million  students
         courses from some of the most esteemed learning        worldwide, offering personal and professional devel-
         institutions  around  the  world.  Last  year,  MOOCs   opment courses across a wide range of price points.
         served 100 million students worldwide who enrolled     I've  purchased  classes  as  diverse  as  mastering
         in more than 11,000 courses from 900 universities.     WordPress,  social  media  marketing,  interpersonal
                                                                communication  and  public  speaking,  and  how  to
           The  cost  of  MOOC  usage  varies  depending  on    sing. Once you sign up at Udemy, you'll receive peri-
         the  platform.  In  my  experience,  the  costs  are  ex-                                  (Continued on page 10)

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