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Hello, all….                                           last newsletter, if you have not already gotten up to
                                                                speed with video-calling in general and Zoom specifi-
         Happy New Year!  A fresh start for us all; time to     cally, please set aside some time to do so. We would
         dust off the 2020 resolutions we did not complete      love to “see” you at our 2021 monthly meetings.
         last year and add some new ones for 2021….             (And please invite friends and family members to join

         Speaking of which, getting vaccinated against          in as well.  They can see what we are about and per-
         COVID-19 should be on our 2021 list!  In Lake          haps pick up some useful information from the com-
         County, the county health department has estab-        fort of their own homes!)
         lished an AllVax website that allows residents to      As a reminder, our January Zoom meeting will be on
         add their name to a county-wide vaccination priority   Saturday, January 9 , at 1:00 pm.  I’ll send out a
         list.  My understanding is that this list will be used   group email on 1/1 with a link to our meeting, with a
         by most, if not all, medical facilities in Lake County   reminder email to follow on 1/8.  Please join us for
         to determine priority for COVID-19 vaccinations.       our annual “Show ‘n Tell” event; all members are en-
         For those of you who live in Lake County, here is      couraged to describe and/or demonstrate their new
         the link to the AllVax website: https://               tech gear – received as a gift from someone else (or             from themselves).

         (If you live outside Lake County, I encourage you to   On a different subject, I posted a tech question to the
         check with your county health department, your         world via my browser not long ago – and found the
         medical provider or a nearby hospital to find out      answer on the “” website.  This turns out
         what process is in place to prioritize vaccinations in   to be the Confident Computing creation of Leo
         your neck of the woods – and to get your name          Notenboom:
         added to the priority list!)
         In the December LCACE newsletter I mentioned
         that the head of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, had
         publicly acknowledged that U.S. COVID-19 deaths
         could reach 450,000 by the end of February, and I
         said that this sounded unbelievable to me.  As of      Leo publishes a free online newsletter from time to
         today (12/30), the official U.S. COVID-19 death to-    time and welcomes questions from subscribers –
         tal is 338,686; our current 7-day average daily toll is   which he answers in his newsletter.  If you would like
         2,223.  If this average death rate continues for the   to learn more, ask a question, and/or sign up for his
         next 60 days (to February 28 ), our total deaths will   newsletter, check out his website.
         be about 472,000!                                      Hope to see you all at our January Zoom meeting!
         (While vaccination roll-out may help reduce this to-   Phil
         tal, it takes two shots spaced over three to four
         weeks for full protection.  Given this lag, plus the
         challenging logistics of getting this vaccine to eve-
         ryone, we may not see a significant reduction in
         infections, hospitalizations, and deaths for a while.
         Please be careful out there!)
         For LCACE, this means we will be meeting remote-
         ly for the foreseeable future.  As suggested in the

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