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To Build or to Buy?

              Dave Glish

              MCS (Milwaukee Computer Society)
                                                                                   - are Real
         To Build or to Buy? Since my main computer was
         almost 10 years old and I was retiring last month I

         decided that I would get a new computer. The big
         question for me was whether to build my own com-
         puter or to buy a computer. There are pluses and
         minuses for either choice. The pluses for buying a
         computer (pre-built) is that you know the system will
         work out of the box. You already have the software
         installed. Often the price is also cheaper than build-
         ing your own (the manufacturer can buy the parts in
         bulk). You also have a source for online assistance   parts that I recycled were the Blu-ray burner, that is
         if there is a problem with the system. The negatives   still in very good working condition and a 3tb hard
         of buying a pre-built system is you have to settle for   drive that I am using as a storage drive. It took about
         what they manufacturer decides to use. A DVD          an hour to put the computer together and most of a
         burner, instead of a Blu-ray burner, or slower        weekend to reinstall all the programs that I wanted. I
         memory chips, etc. The case may have less room        also purchase a Synology NAS (Network Attached
         for future add-ons. The hated bloat-ware. Building    Storage) box to back my files up to but that’s another
         your own system isn’t for the novice. Making sure     article.
         that you buy components that work together is very,
         important. The wrong type of memory will either       Here are the statistics on the new computer:
         slow your system down or cause other problems.          AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor, 6 cores/12 treads
         Reading the installation instructions can be daunt-       4.2gHz speed
         ing. Youtube is a great help in this regard. Fitting all     MSI B450M motherboard
         of the pieces into the case. I did build my own and
         now remember how difficult it is to put all of the      Radeon RX570 8gb video card
         parts in the case with short pudgy fingers (I ac-       32gb Crucial DDR4 memory
         quired a few cuts and scrapes in the process). The
         pluses for building your own are you get exactly        Crucial 1tb MVMe PCIe M.2 SSD
         what you want (within the budget you set). In my        Antec case and Thermaltake 550watt power sup-
         case I wanted a fast computer with plenty of              ply Windows 10 Pro software
         memory to do video and photo editing. I also want-
         ed a computer that would last me another 10 years       LG Blu-ray burner and 3tb hard drive
         if possible. No bloat-ware!!! It is much easier to up-
         grade individual components later. I listed some of
         the negatives already. Not having tech support to
         troubleshoot any nagging problems. Keeping within
         a budget. There is always the temptation to add just
         one more bell or whistle. Fitting everything into the
         case. Over all I’m very happy with the computer that
         I built. It is much faster than my old one (even
         though the old one still did a good job). The only

         January 2021                                         6
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