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cial  activities  secure,  and  so  feel  my  use  is  safe
         (Continued from page 1)
                                                                 enough. I sure wouldn’t want to go back to banking
         cern; they obviously must have a point of view differ-  in  person  or  by  phone  or  having  to  mail  paper
         ent from mine on this.                                  checks  in  for  payments.  The  postal  system  seems
                                                                 less secure than it used to, so mail theft of my paper
         I didn’t think much about these differences in points   statements now seems a greater risk than an online
         of view until the start of the pandemic last year when   breach.
         I  found  some  good  friends  who  refused  to  use
         Zoom.  I  had  set  up  a  personal  Zoom  account  in   I also have reservations about password managers.
         2015  to  use  for  some  purpose  related  to  UCHUG   I have less distrust in them now but originally feared
         but  never  used  it  much.  That  changed  greatly  in   that if they were not secure and could be hacked, all
         March 2020, when we were forced to hold our board       your passwords would then be vulnerable. I devel-
         meeting virtually on Zoom. Since then, with the help    oped my own process for managing passwords and
         of  APCUG,  we  have  been  able  to  use  their  paid   prefer it, but would recommend a password manag-
         Zoom  accounts  to  hold  all  our  board  and  general   er to others at this point
         meetings.  There  are  some  members  we  have  not     Voice-operated  assistants  (or  smart  speakers)  can
         seen during this time, but we don’t know why. I am      be very useful, but there are certainly privacy con-
         aware  of  security  concerns  about  Zoom  but  have   cerns to consider in their use. While I have several
         researched  them,  and  now  have  used  it  so  much   Amazon Alexa devices, I don’t trust them fully. I re-
         that I feel it can be trusted.                          alize I am trading some loss of privacy for their con-
         Before  the  pandemic,  I  met  for  lunch  periodically   venience.  It  is  the  same  with  Amazon  in  general,
         with a group of longtime friends that I worked with at   and with Google. I love Google Maps but have con-
         one time or another. After we could no longer meet      cerns  about  all  the  location  data  I  am  providing
         in person due to COVID, I set up Zoom virtual lunch     when  I  use  it. It  is  always  a  risk/reward  evaluation
         meetings  so  that  we  could  stay  in  touch.  Many  in   for each service; there are some Google services I
         this  group  participated,  but  some  would  not;  they   don’t feel are worth the risk, and so don’t use them.
         were concerned about the security issues and “just      A  smart  or  connected  home  can  be  a  concern  for
         didn’t do Zoom.”  This is unfortunate as I would like   some. I have a lot of smart home devices that I feel
         to see more of them. I periodically remind them that    are fairly benign, like smart lights, thermostats, and
         they  could  join  our  Zoom  lunches,  but  I’m  always   cameras. While I  agree it  would  be  handy, I’m not
         rebuffed.  I’m  starting  to  feel  like  I’m  trying  to  talk   trusting  enough  to  consider  a  smart  lock  for  my
         them into using heroin. I don’t think they are para-    home  just  yet.  I  was  once  very  concerned  about
         noid, as there are other things that these friends do   home Wi-Fi  and  kept  it  disabled  when  not  using  it
         that I find too risky.                                  directly. As I found reasons to use it more and hard-

         There are a few popular things that I don’t trust at    ened my home network with more secure equipment
         this point. One is social networks. While I do have     and practices, I became more trusting. Still, the ma-
         an  account  on  LinkedIn  (for job  search  and  career   jority of my home computers and the ones I use for
         purposes), I’ve never had a Facebook or Twitter ac-     my most sensitive computing are on my wired net-
         count. I don’t have any interest in them, and since I   work.
         do have security and privacy concerns about partici-    Antivirus is something I’ve become less trusting of.
         pating in these sites, I just don’t. There are no doubt   After research and consideration, I’m now in agree-
         some  things  I  miss  out  on  by  avoiding  social  net-  ment with those that believe that any external secu-
         works. My church has a private social network that      rity  program  opens  holes  in  the  operating  system
         would  probably  provide  useful  information,  but  my   and thus increases risk. I’m now using the security
         feelings about Facebook have kept me from investi-      built into Windows 10, rather than an external antivi-
         gating  it  further.  Some  people  don’t  trust  online   rus program (and saving money). I am much more
         banking and bill payment. I once felt that way. While   suspicious of security and “cleaning” programs now,
         I do still have security concerns, the overwhelming     as some exhibit malware-like behaviors.
         convenience of these services has won me over. I
         take every precaution I can to keep my online finan-                                        (Continued on page 5)

         April 2021                                           4
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