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3 About Us!

                                                               4 Phil’s Rambling
                                                               5 Tis the Season for Fraudulent Email

                                                               8 Magic Sleeve
                                                               9 PDF PRO 2
                                                8              10 Wyze Robot Vacuum

                                                               11 PC Keyboard Shortcuts

                                                               12 13 Reasonable Alternatives to Adobe Expensive

                                                               13 Everything: Locate files and folders.

                                                               14 The Great Courses
                                                               15 Back it up!

                                                               16 APCUG Workshop and Videos

                                                 9             17 LCACE News & Meetings
                                                               18 YouTube News & New News
                                                               19 Tech for Seniors News and Videos

                                                               20 Q&A



                                                                   •  30% of people have never backed up.

                                                                   •  113 phones are lost or stolen every mi-
                                                                   •  29% of disasters are caused by accident

                                                                   •  1 in 10 computers are infected with viruses
                                                 14                    each month.

         May 2021                                             2
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