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“Members Helping Members”

                  May 2021                                                        Volume 38 Issue 02

                                     Keep up with your iPhone / iPad apps

                                     By Jim Cerny

                echnology “apps” (short for “applications” or “software”) are doing so much to help us in many ways.
                You probably have noticed that your apps need updating and if you do not have “auto-update” turned
          T  in your settings, then you should be updating your apps whenever there is an update available.
          Updates improve the app, hopefully, resolve problems, and add new features too. You may have noticed
          that your favorite apps DO change – different colors, menu choices, options, and images. Are you aware of
          the latest changes to the apps you love and use most?

          It’s hardly any trouble to update an app but rarely do people take the time to find out what is actually in the
          update. There could be some hidden treasures there waiting for you! The iPhone, for example, has some
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 7)

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