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Wyze Robot Vacuum

                                                  By Jasmine Blue D’Katz

           Lighting-Fast Room

           Mapping with LIDAR

         For the past, several weeks I have listened to sever-  Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanner on the top.
         al attendees on Tech for Seniors talk about the        The scanner casts thousands of invisible laser point
         Wyze Robotic Vacuum and comparing it to the            to measure surrounding and generate an editable
         Roomba models. Apparently, this new vacuum by          map of my home floor plan. Once the map is creat-
         Wyze is more affordable than other brands and uses     ed, I can label each room, and select which one I
         a new top-notch laser system for mapping and effi-     want cleaned and send the vacuum directly there.
         cient route for cleaning. Unlike other models that     Creating virtual walls, will keep the vacuum from
         use the bump and turn technique.                       areas I want it to avoid, like a mess of cords under
                                                                my home theater system. The vacuum even avoids
         Using laser sensor to map your home has been
         used in the more expensive models, but I now have      falling down the stairs, and automatically returns to
         this feature for as little as $249.99.  I can use the   its base station when done.
         app to select certain rooms and send the vacuum        The Wyze Robot Vacuum offers three suction lev-
         straight there or create virtual walls to cordon off ar-  els: quiet, standard, and strong. Although when I
         eas I want the vacuum to avoid. The Wyze works                             chose the most powerfully lev-
         quickly and methodically, effectively collecting debris                    el, it may pick up more dirt, but
         and lost of cat hair from the kitchen hardwood floors                      it is a little bit lower.
         and the carpeting in the Livingroom.
                                                                                    The download Wyze app
         This mapping is done with the several group sen-                           (available for Android and iOS),
         sors that map my home and navigate around obsta-                                           (Continued on page 11)
         cles. The most notable of theses sensors is the Light

         May 2021                                            10
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