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Back it up!

                 By Dave Glish

         Back it up! World backup day was March 31st .          I also copy the contents of my sec-
         Have you backed up your computer lately?               ond drive to the box. I don’t do an
                                                                image since a simple copy makes it
         From the site:
                                                                easier to sync the drive and the files                                 on the Synology box. I also have an
         •  30% of people have never backed up.                 external USB3 drive that I do the
                                                                same thing to. I keep this drive in my
         •  113 phones are lost or stolen every minute.         bank’s safety deposit box and bring it
         •  29% of disasters are caused by accident             home about every other month to
                                                                update. Keeping it offsite means that
         •  1 in 10 computers are infected with viruses each    I have a copy of my files even if something happens
             month.                                             at home. Heaven forbid that the house should burn
         What is a backup?                                      down or someone break in and steal all of my com-
                                                                puter hardware.

                                                                APCUG hosted a Zoom meeting on World backup
                                                                day talking about backup strategies. One of the nug-
                                                                gets that I learned that day was that my subscription
                                                                to Microsoft’s Office 365 gives my up to 6 terabytes

                                                                of cloud storage space. Now I’m thinking that I might
                                                                create a backup of my files there too. The daunting
                                                                thing will be the time it will take to
                                                                transfer all of that data to the cloud.
         A backup is a second copy of all your important files   Right now my data drive has almost
         – for example, your family photos, home videos,        1.4tb of files on it. This includes all of
         documents and emails. Instead of storing it all in     my photos, Word documents and all
         one place (like your computer), you keep another       lot of clutter. I guess it would be a good idea to de-
         copy of everything somewhere safe.                     clutter that drive before syncing it with the cloud.

                               On my main computer I have       Another thing to consider is seri-
                               my main “C” drive and a sec-     al backups. This means keeping
                               ond drive “E” that I store most   more than just the most recent
                               of my files on. This keeps my    copy of your backup. If you have
                               “C” drive from getting too       an unknown virus and do a
                               cluttered. It also makes it      backup the virus will be copied
                               easier to back up main files.    along with everything else. If you

         I use a mixed strategy for my                          have an earlier backup, hopeful-
         backups. I have a Synology NAS                         ly that one won’t be infected. It is
         (network attached storage) box                         a good idea to run an antivirus
         that I use for an onsite backup. I                     scan before doing a backup.
         make an “image” of my main “C”                         This gives us something to talk about at the next
         drive and store it there.                              meeting.

         May 2021                                            15
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