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Clubhouse, New Printers,

                                                  and Battery Cases

                                                   By Bob DeLaurentis

         Q. What is Clubhouse?                                  Sometimes you can Google around and find a print-
         A. Clubhouse is a new social network that connects     er's consumable costs in printer reviews. But unless
         people in audio chat rooms. It has become quite        you have a clear idea of how many pages you are
         popular in the last couple of months and is by invita-  going to print over a given time frame, it will still be a
         tion only.                                             rough estimate.
            If it continues to accelerate, it will only be a matter      Inkjet printers can produce stunning photo prints
         of time before someone invites you to join. But my     and attractive color charts.
         advice is to tread cautiously.                         and graphs. When you move up-in price, you gener-
            The Clubhouse app does a few things that old-       ally get better quality,
         time Internet folks such as myself find distasteful.   and faster output. That means the" ink" refills will be
            When you first sign on you are asked for permis-    more expensive as well, and the cheapest inks are
         sion to access your contact                            more expensive per ounce than fine wine. While I
         list. Say no and you are stopped cold. Say yes and     have owned inkjets from time to time, I send photo
         Clubhouse now has access to every single one of        prints to the drug store or a pro photo lab.
         your contacts.                                            For everyday printing, I depend on a wireless
            The request is framed like a benefit to you, but a   Brother laser printer, model HL-L2350DW. It is inex-
         single tap will send Clubhouse your entire contact     pensive and reliable, handling several ·thousand
         list, including everything from street.                pages on a single toner cartridge.
         addresses to telephone numbers. In my view, the
         contact information for my friends belongs to my       Q. Searching my house. for fresh batteries has
         friends, and I have an obligation to protect their pri-  become a regular pastime. How do I make sure I
         vacy.                                                  have borrowed from one device to feed another
            Another behavior I find downright dangerous is      for the last time?
         that Clubhouse can connect you with a random per-      A. Extra disposable batteries are just as vital as duct
         son in your address book with a single tap. You may    tape or a box of bandages.
         not realize what is happening until you are talking to      I am old enough to remember when the phrase
         someone you prefer to avoid. Every contact is con-     "batteries not included" was a punch line. When
         sidered your best friend, no matter what. That is      [ was a kid, batteries were a kind of Currency. We
         simply wrong.                                          never had enough. As an adult I used the kitchen
            Clubhouse is functionally similar to Facetime audio   junk drawer to keep extra batteries, but what start-
         or Skype calls, alone "with a few added bells and      ed .as good intentions sank into chaos.
         whistles. If Clubhouse becomes wildly popular, simi-      I finally achieved battery nirvana thanks to the
         lar features will appear in other apps, and hopefully   'Battery Daddy 180 Battery Organizer Storage Case
         public pressure will address the privacy concerns.     (about $20 on Amazon).
         Until then, stick with what you have now.                 As a tech nerd with an affinity for electronic gadg-
                                                                ets, 180 batteries seem about right. I don't fill every
         Q. I need a new printer. There are so. many mod-       slot, but make sure to keep a few of ‘every possible
         els, so many different prices. Choosing is over-       size, just in case. "Fortunately, there are dozens of
         whelming. '                                            smaller cases available more suited to a modest-
                                                                sized inventory.
         Where do I start?                                         But no matter the size: a case is the solution. It lets
         A. Start with the biggest difference among printers,   you keep track of batteries as they are used, prompt-
         inkjet, or laser. If you print color photos, inkjet is your   ing you to buy replacements before it is” ‘too late.
         best option. If you print black text or illustration on
         white copier paper, you should choose a laser print-
            Printing is expensive no matter what but compar-
         ing printer prices is measuring the wrong thing. What
         matters most is the price per page. Unless you only
         print a few dozen pages a year, a laser printer will
         be the most cost effective.

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