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Keep your eye out for the
                                                                                       new monthly Windows 10
                                                                                       SIG Zoom meeting.            if the sword is going straight into his head.    printing errors eradicated part of the axe, making it look as   a misprint: originally, he was holding an axe, but the   about why, but the most common one seems to be due to   to be killing himself with swords. There are many stories   the fact that he is the only royal in the deck who appears   Suicide King. Of course,

                                                                                                of Hearts is also referred to as The

                                                                Quack Cures                     cally every card in the deck. The King   come up with nicknames for practi-  This has given us enough time to   history spanning hundreds of years.   Answer: Playing cards have a rich
         During our October Zoom meeting the following two      The Quack Doctor documents scores of dubious health
         computer services were mentioned.                      claims from past centuries. If you enjoy sick entertainment,
                                                                this site is good for what ails you.
         White Box Computers                          

         They say they are the place for all your computer
         repairs & upgrades at nearly half the prices of the    Geography Challenge
         competition.                                           Travel the world from your couch as you complete to name
                                                                famous landmarks from the comfort of you Web browser.                

                                                                I Miss My  a Bar
         ZYTEK Services
                                                                This site describes itself as a modern digital artifact. It rec-
         Has been around for over 30 years and offers the       reates the atmosphere of your favorite drinking establish-
         best in fast, friendly, high-quality, fair price computer   ment.
         service solutions                            


         May 2021                                            22
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