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Clipmate - The APP
         The Windows clipboard extender

         Tech for Seniors Playlist                                       Compiled by Jasmine Blue D’Katz

         All the Tech for Seniors episodes                       5 Common Computer Myths People Still Believe

         Albums to Photos in 13 Minutes                          Computer running slow?

         An instructional video on how to get your pictures      Windows 10X is coming soon!
         from you photo albums to Google Photos
                                                                 Microsoft is about to release a new version of Win-
         Best purchase consideration for a printer in            dos called Windows 10X. Get the latest news and
         2021                                                    updates about this exciting new Operating System.

         Choosing a printer depends on how much you print,       Facebook new lets you transfer you photos,
         but more important the frequency                        posts and notes to other sites.

         Two factor Authentication Explained                     Want to quit Facebook? Now you don’t have to

         Securing your accounts has never been more im-          worry about losing all your post.
                                                                 Best cloud storage for 2021:
         Tips for using YouTube                                  Choosing between Google Drive, OneDrive, Drop-
                                                                 Box. If you are looking for a way to story your files
                                                                 and photos in the cloud, we’ve compared the fea-
                                                                 tures and prices on some of the top options.
         (Continued from page 13)                                Apple AirTags hands-on

         degree field of view. They offer 1090P video capture at   These $29 trackers are small and impressive, and
         30 frames per second and 720 video capture at 60        can keep track of it with your iPone’s Find My App.
         frames per second. The C920S can attach to your moni-
         tor via the included clip, or it can be placed on a tripod.   The best Wi-Fi router of 2021

         Before the C922, the C920 was an extremely popular      Your Wi-Fi router is the unsung hero holding your
         choice for Twitch streamers. The minor upgrades in the   smart home together. From mesh to gaming to Wi-
         C920S make an already-excellent webcam even better,     Fi 6, these are the best we’ve tested.
         but the features are not that different from the C922.
                                                                 10 Photography Projects
         If you need a new webcam for clearer video chat, or if
         you are planning on doing some Twitch streaming, the    You Can Work on From
         C920S is a solid choice, and it is available at an incredi-  Home
         bly good price today.

         The Logitech C920 webcam is selling for $70 at Best

         May 2021                                            18
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