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By Dave Glish

         The Great Courses In Rick’s Presidents message he
         mentioned my interest In “The Great Courses”. This
         is a company that produces lecture series’ by people
         on a very wide variety of subjects. You can purchase
         an online copy, where you can stream or download
         the lectures. Or, you can purchase a physical copy
         and they will send you a batch of DVDs. With the
         later, you can also download the lectures or watch
         them online.
         I purchased my first
         course a number of
         years ago. It was on
         Optimizing Brain Fit-                                  with John, so I am a fanboy. During the lecture on
         ness. Last month they                                  the Beatles time on the Ed Sullivan show I also
         had a special where a                                  learned that Ed basically saved the play Camalot
         bunch of their courses were $25.00 each for online,    from obscurity. It wasn’t doing particularly well on
         or $35.00 each for the physical version.               Broadway until Ed had the cast members perform a
         I bought 3 of the online courses. England, the 1960s   bunch of the songs on his show. The play ended up
         and the Triumph of the Beatles (12 lectures) Won-      being a big hit and became a favorite of JFK.
         ders of the National Parks: A Geology of North         I’m just starting the Photography series, so it’s too
         America (36 lectures) Fundamentals of Photography.     soon to tell how that one will go. I plan on spending
         (24 lectures)                                          some of my free

         I’m about halfway                                      time this summer
         through the National                                   getting back into
         Parks series. I should                                 photography.
         have paid closer atten-                                Rick mentioned
         tion to the word                                       “The Great Courses
         “Geology” before I or-                                 Plus” subscription.
         dered that series. I                                   This allows you to see any or all of the lecture series
         was hoping for more of a, this is what to see in the   while you are a subscriber. There truly are lecture
         parks. The lectures are really on how the parks and    series on just about any subject you might be inter-
         the country were created. My wife was bored, but I     ested in.
         find it interesting and have learned a lot about plate
         tectonics, earth quakes, and the ice ages. I guess     I’ve taken all four of my lectures and saved them to
         my inner geek is showing.                              my Synology NAS box. This lets me access them
                                                                directly from my smart TV without having to go
         I’ve found the series on the                           online. I can also access them on my phone or Tab-
         Beatles fascinating. I just                            lets by using a video software app specifically de-
         recently finished a book by                            signed for the Synology. Next month I’ll try to do an
         Cynthia Lennon, on her time                            article on this NAS box.

         May 2021                                            14
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