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(Continued from page 16)                              bids. There is a countdown clock that restarts every
                                                               time someone places a new bid. Some websites even
                                                               allow users to set up automatic rebids if they are out-
         How penny auctions work                               bid. The total price of the item “won” is determined by
                                                               the number of bids, so you could end up paying well
                                     In some ways, online
                                     penny auctions are in-    over the retail value of the item you’re bidding on.
                                     ternet bidding sites that   Generally, you have also lost the money spent on the
                                     share some similarities   used bids if you lose the bid.
                                     with legitimate auction   Let’s say the auction is for a new computer with a
                                     sites like eBay. Howev-   stated retail value of $599. The bidding starts at $0,
                                     er, the BIG difference is   increases in 1 cent increments, and one “lucky” bid-
                                     that consumers who        der “wins” the computer for $30. The winning bidder
         bid on penny auctions must pay for each bid they      is given credit for the bids he has “spent” at $0.60
         make regardless of whether they win or lose the       each. It is not unusual to see individuals bidding hun-
         auction.                                              dreds of times, so if the winner in this example bid

         Generally, anyone interested in bidding in a penny    300 times, that winner paid $180 for their 300 bids, if
         auction must pay a registration fee before gaining    each bid cost $0.60. Still, this does not seem like a
         access to bidding. While not required by all penny    bad deal for the winner; $180 for a $599 computer,
         auction websites, this fee is often described and     even if it is a system, you could get on Amazon for
         charged in what many consider an underhanded          $399.
         way. For example, it is typical for a consumer to     If a penny auction item sells for $180, the auction site
         make a query regarding online penny auctions. If      has received 18000 incremental 1 cent bids, which
         the consumer provides credit card information, that   cost the bidders as much as $10,800!  Penny auction
         credit card is immediately charged $60 - $99 as part   sites often promote themselves as “social media”
         of the registration process. Often consumers provide   buying and stress the social nature of their sites.
         credit card information without realizing they are au-  What they don’t advertise is how addicting these sites
         thorizing any payment.                                can be. $10 gift cards can go for over $20 when bid-
                                                               ders’ egos apparently overrule all common sense.
         An Auction Example
                                                               And I can virtually guarantee that YOU will not get
         As stated above, penny auctions’ business model       that computer for $180.
                                  immediately charges any-     An individual cannot determine which penny auction
                                  one furnishing them a        sites are “legitimate.” Some state attorney generals
                                  credit card number of at     have found that some penny auction websites use
                                  least $60, which buys 100    “shills” that automatically outbid people, making it vir-
                                                               tually impossible to win items at a reasonable price.
                                                               Some of these shills are software programs that show
                                                               a fake username to persuade consumers that they
                                  Most new bidders bid on      are bidding against a real person. As a result, several
                                  one or two auctions, lose    penny auction sites have disappeared, never shipping
                                  their 100 bids ($60), and
         quickly realize getting a bargain wasn’t as easy as it   items won. Other sites have sold financial information
                                                               about users or put additional charges on credit cards
         looked. These sites count on the addictive nature of   without permission.
         almost winning an auction, maybe losing by a penny
         or two, to encourage a percentage of bidders to buy   Conclusion and Recommendation: Avoid Penny
         more bids. Sometimes a substantial discount is of-    Auctions
         fered - i.e., if you sign up right now, you can get 200   While online penny auctions may sound like an at-
         bids for the same $60.
                                                               tractive deal at first, consumers should be very wary
         Penny auctions usually allow losing bidders to apply   before handing over any money or credit card infor-
         at least part of the money spent on bidding towards   mation. It is doubtful that consumers will save any
         buying the product at their retail price. However,    money by using the service to purchase goods, and
         penny auction sites, including DealDash, often sub-   much more probable they will be ripped off.
         stantially overstate the retail price of items, so buy-
         ers are usually either overpaying or perhaps getting
         completely ripped off.

         How the Auction Works
         The bidding for an item typically begins at $0 and
         then increases by one cent each time someone

         Cyber Awareness Bulletin                                                            17                                                                   October 2021
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