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able to tell the function used to create a hash, it's im-
         (Continued from page 20)
                                                               possible to reverse that function and generate the
         your password. A common hash function is md5(),       password. In fact, it's so hard that trying millions of
         which returns a 32-character string from any input.   combinations to try and produce the same end result
         Below are a few examples of what a hash looks like:   (a brute force attack) is typically quicker than the cal-
                                                               culations required to reverse the hashing process.
         md5(helloworld) =                                     (The Humpty Dumpty Rule: You Can't Uncrack the
                                                               scrambled egg in the HASH, more about that later)
         md5(hell0world) =                                     Einstein Expects Results
                                                                As mentioned in item 3 above,
         md5(g84js;l238fl-242ldfsosd98234) =                   we expect to get the same re-
                                                               sults for a given string every
         md5(helloworld) =                                     time. To get anything different
         fc5e038d38a57032085441e7fe7010b0                      would be crazy. That is what
                                                               we count on for this concept to
                                                               work, and we will also see later
         The Recipe for Hash                                   why it can be dangerous if you use a short password.

         From the examples above, notice these things are      So, let's follow the steps in a normal log-in.
         always true; they are in every recipe:
                                                               Step 1 – A user visits a new site, fills in a form to cre-
                1.  Small changes matter a lot – Take a        ate their username, uses a given default, and then
                   look at examples 1 and 2. Just one digit    creates a password.
                   has been altered, from an "o" to a
                   "0." (OH to ZERO.) This is a very small     Step 2 – That password is put through a hash func-
                   change, and yet the second output is un-    tion, and the hash is stored in the company database.
                   recognizable from the first.                Step 3 – Later, when a user logs in, they enter their
                2.  The output length never changes –
                   The input in example 3                      Step 4 – That entered password is run through the
                   is considerably longer                      same hashing function as was used before.
                   than the other examples,                                                         (Continued on page 22)
                   yet it produces an output
                   of the same length (32
                   characters). You could
                   input an entire book into
                   the md5() hash function,
                   and you would still get a
                   32- character string as the output.
                3.  Repeatable – An input will always give
                   the same output when hashed using the
                   same function. If this weren't the case,
                   they would just generate a random out-
                   put, which would be useless for pass-
                   words. (I included the same function in
                   example 1 as example 4 just to see if you
                   were paying attention.)

         Hard to reverse – Even though a hacker may be

         Cyber Awareness Bulletin                                                            21                                                                   October 2021
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