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(Continued from page 22)                              Salt it yourself
         not, then you should.                                 But wait, you say. I do not know if that site

         Let the cook add the salt.                            is using Salt (and no one should ever an-
                                                               swer that question about their data). So,
         In this case, the 'cook' is the guy in the IT shop who   what can you, as the customer do? Bring
         wrote the routines that are hashing and saved the     your own Salt!
         password you entered. Salting is adding something
         to the hash to make it different. For instance, adding   Salt all your passwords. Use whatever
         the word Salt to helloworld and then hashing hel-     trick works for you to add your special
         loworldSalt OR Salthelloworld will generate new,      something to EVERY password you cre-
         unique hash values. This is good.                     ate.

         Here is how it works. (And I am going to shorten the   Also, if you use a short-length Master password for
         hash just to make this readable)                      your Password Manager, Salt it too. (Or better yet,
                                                               make it a long, easy phrase.) Simply add Salt when
         If helloworld = fc5e0380 then helloworldSalt =        you type it in. Now, if anyone finds that sticky note
         er8d25a9                                              that says your password is 'Arenteyespecial?' they will
         Now when they look for fc5e0380 (the word in their    get nowhere without your special seasoning. (And no,
         standard password list), they will not find it.       don't write your salt down next to the beef.) And for all
                                                               the passwords in your Password Manager, store them
         The bad guys will have to re-do their entire hash     plain, and add the Salt during your login, and no one
         table dictionary if the cook adds the same salt to    would ever know. If your plain character passwords
         every word when they hash it. Thus, more time is
         added, delaying their access, and costing them        are ever compromised, none of those passwords will
         money.                                                work. Frustrating the bad guy, saving your bacon (and
                                                               everything is better with bacon).
         But the better site managers change the Salt shaker   SO, here are some lessons learned.
         on every item. So the Salt can (must) be different
         (random) for every single entry in the database. This   •  Always Use a Password Manager program or app
         really disrupts the hacker's day because they must       with a long master passphrase
         re-hash every standard password with every salt.      •  Create a long and seemingly random password
         That is effectively impossible.
                                                                  for every site (easy to do with most Password
         Using our example, we could have three customers         Manager programs/apps)
         with the same password but now (salted with 'Salt,'   •  Change that password periodically
         '69b21' and 'pqv42')
                                                               •  Never reuse that password on other websites
                1 helloworldSalt = er8d25a9
                                                               •  Add Salt (8 t0 12 characters is a good start)
                2 helloworld69b21 = a6d51cbc
                                                               And did I mention….You should always use a Pass-
                3 helloworldpqv42 = f56702622
                                                               word Manager ‘cuz your memory ain't that great.
         Now no matter what they have in their dictionary for   In part 2, titled 'The Monkey & the Typewriter,' I will
         helloworld, they can never find it in the target file.
                                                               teach you how those hash algorithms work, why no
         For more about Salting, plus a very excellent de-     one can reverse (un-encrypt, decode, break, crack,
         scription of the Dictionary process I have described,   hack - call it what you want) a hashed input. And I will
         you should read (5) at                                even make you smart enough to create an 11-
      character hash when given a LONG input string. I
         better-way-to-store-passwords/                        promise you will never try to reverse a hash again.
                                                               And I will show you more examples of how the bad
                                                               guys do their thing to make you think they are

                                                                                                    (Continued on page 24)

         Cyber Awareness Bulletin                                                            23                                                                   October 2021
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