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(Continued from page 23)                                 115 MD5 variations on each. To search for a spe-
         'cracking' your password.                                cific password or hash string, use a site-specific
                                                                  Google search such as this
         Let me emphasize this about Password Managers.
         You should NEVER add your salt to the passwords       'hello kitty' site:
         you store in your Password Manager. Just store        common-passwords/
         your passwords as normal text. And when you en-       (7) Aren't there actual programs that try to 'crack' a
         ter it onto a site, then you add your salt. Then if an-  single password? Yes, of course. A popular one is
         yone ever gets one or more, or all of your pass-         Hashcat. How does it work?
         words, it will be of no use to them at all. Carry your
         own salt. Apply when needed.
         Some helpful sites-footnotes and additional re-       cracker.html
                                                               Additional Resources
         (1) Pawned Passwords are 613,584,246 real-world       A quick evaluation of how secure your password is at
            passwords previously exposed in data breach-
            es. This exposure makes them unsuitable for
            ongoing use as they are at a much greater risk     A couple easier to use websites that will make hash
            of being used to take over other accounts. Has     for you at
            YOUR password already been compromised?
                                                               generator.html#ad-output (has a good tutorial)
         (2) (2) What is Hashing (and how does it work?)
       MD5 and SHA-1
            hashing/                                  Replace
         (3) (3) Extensive quotes at the beginning of this     'nothing' with something else
            article are from     Photo Credits
                                                               1.  "HashandSaltandDictionary" by Arthur Gresham is
         (4) By Barbara Hoffman May 7, 2020                       licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

         (5) (4) Learn about the 7 Ways Hackers Steal Your     2.  "Corned Beef and Hash" by gozamos is licensed
            Passwords. This article and Part 2 only cover         under CC BY-SA 2.0
            methods 2 and 5, Spraying and Brute Force.
            YOU still must protect yourself against other      3.  "Freedmen's bank passbook" by Allen Gathman is
            types such as Phishing and Keyloggers, Local          licensed under CC BY-NC-SA
            Discovery and of course Extortion https://         4.  "Geordi & Data" by JD Hancock is licensed under
                CC BY 2.0
                                                               5.  5. "Red Flannel Hash (9)" by Joelk75 is licensed
         (6) (5) Learn about adding SALT to HASHING from          under CC BY 2.0
            the perspective of those on the inside who create   6.  6. "Betty Crocker's Cookbook" by Patrick Q is li-
            the systems to manage passwords.
                                                                  censed under CC BY-NC 2.0
         https:        7.  "Insanity by Albert Einstein" by Mimsen is licensed
                                                                  under CC BY-SA 2.0
         (6) A smaller list of 14,344,391 of the most com-     8.  "dictionary-1 copy.jpg" by TexasT's is licensed un-
            mon passwords discovered in various data              der CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
            breaches worldwide (plus some very odd
            strings!) at       9.  "salt shaker" by TooFarNorth is licensed under CC
            common-passwords where you can see the re-
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 25)
            sults of the more than 50 hash functions, plus

         Cyber Awareness Bulletin                                                            24                                                                   October 2021
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