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Robin’s RAMblings

Have you ever been forced to say goodbye to a
trusted friend on whom you often relied? Did you July 13, 2013-LCACE picnic at Liz and Fred Bar-
feel lost and confused with no contact for an ex- nett's house
tended period of time? Did you really miss your
friend? Did it feel as though you had gone into August 10, 2013- Mike Kastler, host of WRLR ra-
withdrawal? How did you cope? Did you ultimate- dio TechTalk show
ly feel a sense of liberation?
September 21, 2013-
Suppose that “trusted friend” was your smartphone
and you could not use it for three long weeks? Did October 5, 2013-
you mind that it had turned into a (mostly) useless
object in your pocket or purse? How would you November 2, 2013-
deal with things like not being able to read your
email, or send texts, search the internet on the fly, December 14, 2013-Holiday party at State Bank of
or having an up to date GPS in your pocket? Oh, the Lakes. Save the date!
and the little details of not being able to make or
receive phone calls. Did you mind that you were
not on call to much of the world? If people wanted Everyone, if you haven’t already done so, it’s time
to reach you, they would have to rely on old fash- to pay your LCACE dues.
ioned methods. When I mentioned to a friend that I
did not have a usable cell phone, she wrote “There Happy computing!
are times when it is a blessing not to have one with
(Continued from page 4)
At first the silence was deafening. I kept looking
down at my unresponsive friend and wondered I read an Internet review that some Internet TV
how I ever managed without it. Was it just force of software overflows the buffer and downloads vi-
habit or did I really miss it? Going cold turkey was ruses and malware to your computer. They were
challenging. I was well into adulthood when I got right, after three days – I had a Trojan on a com-
my first Motorola flip phone. I spoke to another puter that never gets viruses and is not used for
friend who said she was delighted not to have the the Internet. I will now have to run constant full
use of her iPhone for a week. Virus Protection scans on my computer more
As our plane was taxiing to the terminal at O'Hare,
I said with glee "I can turn on my phone!" It took a REVIEW: The software could be written a lot bet-
while for my recent emails to appear. As we wait- ter, without viruses, without advertisements, with-
ed for our ride to arrive, I made phone calls and out distracting screens. They don’t tell you what
sent texts. Back to the real world! you get with $5/month more premium package. I
would not recommend it, primarily because of the
viruses. But if you do use it, use on a spare com-
We have exciting programs scheduled for 2013: puter (one that you can reformat).

June 8, 2013-Fred Barnett on "Google search tips Gene
and tricks"

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