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Logitech Touchpad t650 Holy Crow

Swiping, tapping and gesturing on your Is this a VIRUS
Windows 8 PC

By Gypsy D’ Katz
Just another gadget to play with, By Linda Gonse, Editor/Webmaster, Orange Coun-
but it makes Windows 8 on my PC ty PC Users’ Group, CA
more bearable. I’m slowly warming March 2013 issue, nibbles & bits
up to Windows 8 and not having a
touchscreen, then why not try a editor (at)
As a registered own of a few other I recently added a second external hard
Logitech product, I receive their newsletter for new drive to my computer system. I use one for
product and low and behold, just recently, I got backups of InDesign files and the other one for
one for the new
Logitech Wireless Acronis True Image system backups.
Touchpad T650. As I browsed through the files I’d saved to
Although I procras- the drives, I ran into something peculiar. Both
tinated a few days drives had folders with names that were long
before pushing that strings of random letters. And each folder con-
order button, I’m
now the proud own- tained one file: mrtstub.exe at 89KB on the
er of a new toy. Iomega drive, and MPSigStub.exe at 227KB
Much larger than your laptop touchpad, this multi- on the Seagate drive.
touch surface works almost seamlessly with my
new Windows 8 desktop. It pretty much mimics the Fearing these might be malware or a virus,
gestures that I’m familiar with on my iPad, so it did-
n’t take much to get the hang of the standalone I quickly did a Google search. Interestingly,
touchpad. Although I still occasional reach for the the search turned up conflicting opinions in
mouse which I have now completely moved off the different forums. Some people said it was a
desk virus and highly dangerous, some said the
Once you charge the unit and turn the slide switch folder and file(s) inside were benign, some
on, the 5.25 inch square device is simple easy to
use. Oh yeah, the touchpad connects to you PC said the files were leftover from when Mi-
with a USB receiver dongle. Although I haven’t had crosoft Malicious Software Removal Tool
it that long, I’ve read that once charged the touch- (MRT) was run and had not been deleted au-
pad will stay charged for more than a week. Of tomatically, and some said Windows created
course you can use the on/off switch to turn it off them.
and save power. You will also need to install the
LogiTech SetPoint software which will allow you to
customize the touchpad. Although I only found one file in the folders,
Now you can use all the gestures that helps make other people have seen as many as four at
Window 8 fun, by sliding in from the left to open one time: mrtstub.exe, mrt.exe._p, MRT.exe,
the Charms bar or from the top to access the appli- and $shtdwn$.req.
cation menu. I have a little problem with my paws
when trying to do a two or four finger swipe, but
those of you will fingers will find this easy. I found a link to information about the Mali-
In conclusion, if you have a desktop PC and are cious Software Removal Tool at http://
limited in space on your desk this is a suitable re- In par-
placement for your mouse. As for laptop users, it’s ticular, it gave instructions on how to remove
just a larger touchpad unless you dock you laptop the Malicious Software Removal Tool.
and use a wireless keyboard, then this would be a
great assessor.
The Touchpad sells on LogiTech’s website for $79,
but can be found for as low as $61 elsewhere. (Continued on page 8)

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