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P. 4
Club Historian
History Report, 5/11/13 meeting
By Les Larkin
Hi, fellow LCACE members! I hope everyone en-
joyed the May meeting as much as I did. Our
meeting was very capably and enthusiastically Thanks, Rohn (left) and John (right)
conducted by Vice President Linda
Busch. Thanks, Linda! Our Fearless See you all at our next meeting!
Leader, A.K.A. President Robin Sei-
denberg, was enjoying some well
deserved time off, but she should be
back for our June 8 meeting. (Continued from page 1)
The one-time $50 fee is not bad to try the
product, get connected to Internet TV and
Linda Busch, Meeting Conductor without a monthly charge.
When Linda needed to get everyone's attention, CONS:
Bobby Jacobs was always willing to contribute It does not allow you to install it on any
her VERY ATTENTION-GETTING WHIS- other computer (even one you own).
TLE! Thanks, Bobby. As a side note, my hearing It didn’t provide as many channels as they
doctor says I should be fully recovered by the indicated (3500).
next meeting. Many channels are from foreign countries.
Some channels don’t load.
We didn't have the 50/50 drawing this time, so I can’t get all the channels that I can get
there was no one to be cajoled into buying every- on Cable TV.
one lunch. Let's all try to find some good in eve- Some channels have software in front of it
rything. that you have to get around.
Some screens are blank.
But we did have a Door Prize win- Some channels are slow (requiring 10 sec-
ner! Garry Hesse was our fortunate onds to connect).
member this time. He won ABBYY Some content on some channels repeat.
PDF Transformer 3.0, which is soft- Some channels are not online all the time
ware that enables its user to create (understandable for other countries in a
editable files from PDF files. Now different time zone).
that is a useful program! Some channels the audio runs, but the
Congratulations Gary! video stops, and/or the video jumps.
Not good if you only know English (like
We were blessed with a visit from Rohn and John me) and there are many foreign language
from Costco. Besides cookies, they brought lots channels.
of information and a nice looking display table to It seems the same advertisements are on
promote their many great products and ser- multiple channels – seems to be from
vices. The biggest part of their presentation was “Satellite Direct.”
a Voice over Internet product, Ooma. They also Once installed, the software wants you to
spoke of Costco's extra service and support of upgrade to their PREMIUM PACKAGE at
their many products. Thanks, John, for your in-
formative presentation. $5/month.
(Continued on page 3)