Page 3 - index
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Please remember to use the link on our website for your purchases:
Robin’s RAMblings
short time to download this free We have terrific raffle prizes. First
Last August when the question of app and to fill in the information. prize is a 17" Toshiba laptop with
the month was "Have you down- THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE 6GB of memory, a 640GB hard
loaded any interesting smart YOUR OWN! drive, and 2 USB 3.0 ports. Some
phone apps lately?", J.J. told us lucky person will take home sec-
about ICE. Most of us knew that ond prize, a new white 16GB iPad
we should enter emergency con- with WiFi Retina display. Third
tacts on our cell phones using ICE I am still attempting to get comfort- prize is a Kindle Fire HD 3G with
in the directory. What most didn't able with Windows 8; I have yet to special offers. Our fourth prize
know is that there is a free ICE try 8.1. winner will receive a year's free
app available for Androids, It's that time of year again. The LCACE membership.
iPhones, Windows phones, etc. It warm, sunny days of summer are
provides space for contacts, infor- over and there is a chill in the air. Tickets are $1 each, 6 for $5, and
mation, notes, and settings. In the It's hard to believe, but the holi- 25 for $20. Remember, you can't
notes section, I copied my entire days will be here soon. This win if you don't buy a ticket! Win-
medical history including allergies, year's LCACE holiday party will be ners need not be present so plan
what vitamins I take, doctors' Saturday, December 14, at State to sell tickets to out of town family
names and phone numbers, etc. I Bank of the Lakes, 50 Commerce and friends.
had not updated it to show recent Drive, Grayslake.
changes, but it was essentially ac- The bank is open until one o'clock.
curate. The club provides turkey, ham, Please remember and be sure to
rolls, pop, and coffee. Everyone tell your guests that they may not
I normally have an up to date pa- brings a dish to pass. Please think park in front of the bank before 1
per medical history in my purse at healthy! Our LCACE cooks al- p.m. There is plenty of parking
all times. I fell while we were out ways bring great food. Guests are around the bank. We will have our
of town. When the ambulance de- expected to bring a dish to pass or usual volunteers at the door to un-
posited me in the emergency room that you will bring enough extra load your food. You must then
I smugly said that I had my entire food for all of your guests. We do move your car immediately.
medical history in my purse on a not want to run out of food.
folded sheet of paper. Unfortu-
nately I was wrong. There were a Everyone always has a fantastic We have exciting programs sched-
bunch of other papers, but not the time at our party. Family and uled for 2013-2014:
one I really needed. friends are welcome to attend.
Please volunteer to help.
The paramedics were still there. I November 2, 2013-Photoshop Ele-
asked if anyone knew how to use 2013 holiday raffle tickets will be ments – Tips and Tricks by J.J.
an Android phone. I told them to available for sale at our October Johnson
go to apps. The paramedic asked, 5th meeting. In addition to buying
"Do you want us to go to ICE?" tickets for yourself, please plan to December 14, 2013-Holiday party
He immediately knew to go to the pick up tickets to sell. The person at State Bank of the Lakes. Save
notes section. I said my history who sells the winning first prize the date!
was accurate as of about a year ticket and also the person who
ago. I would have preferred that it sells the most tickets will receive January 4, 2014-Show and tell,
be the up to date version, but it prizes at the holiday party. and Ask the Gurus
was close enough. It only takes a (Continued on page 6)