Page 5 - index
P. 5

(Continued from page 4) PCs. Your system may require additional hard-
Question: I have just returned from my vacation ware, drivers, software, firmware, and/or a BIOS
and cannot connect to the internet. I have a wire- update. Upgrading between operating system
less system and am using my new laptop. Can you editions, e.g. from Windows 8 (non Pro) to Win-
help? dows 8.1 Pro and Media Center will incur addi-
Answer: One of the most common causes for not tional fees. For complete update details, see
being able to connect wirelessly to the internet is
that the settings in Internet Explorer have changed
or have been changed to “Dialup.” This happens Submitted by:
when you have been using “dialup” in another lo- Fred Barnett
cation and have not changed it back when you re- Programs L.C.A.C.E.
turned to use “broadband.” It could also happen if
malware has infiltrated your computer.

To check if this is the problem, follow the steps be-
low: With Internet Explorer open click on “Tools.”
Choose “Internet Options” from the drop down box.
Click on the “Connections Tab” and make sure that
“Never dial a connection” is checked. Click OK.
Question: If I cannot close my computer using the
Start Button or my computer freezes, is it OK to
pull the plug? Takei’s Take
Star Trek and Internet icon George Takei boldly
Answer: No, it is not advisable to “pull the plug” if takes on a new AARP web series.
your computer freezes. The “shock” of pulling the YOU CAN BOLDY GO, TO: Take your next inter-
plug on a working computer could cause the hard net voyage with George Takei, a go-to social me-
drive to crash or malfunction. dia star with more than 4.5 million Facebook fans.
The actors AARP YouTube show “Takei’s Take”
The safe way to close down the computer is to cuts through the clutter and least you right to what
hold down the CTRL, ALT and DELETE keys sim- people are talking about now. Get updates every
ultaneously, which will bring up the Window's Task time George post a new AARP video by subscrib-
Manager. This “tool” allows you to close the trou- ing for free at Or visit
blesome program or programs and then continue
working on your computer without closing down
your system.
Submitted by:
J.J. Johnson
L.C.A.C.E. Founder

Members Free

“shop Grayslake”
I've received questions about the app now available
cost, if any, to upgrade to Windows
8.1. Grayslake business community has gone high tech
and local customers are loving it.
Basically, with some exceptions, if Community leaders have produced a mobile
you own Windows 8, then you can smartphone app to stimulate business and com-
upgrade to 8.1 with no cost. merce within the community and it’s not available
To upgrade from a version of Windows earlier to the public as a free download from either Ap-
than Windows 8.0, you must buy Windows 8.1. ple’s iPhone App Store or Google Play App Store.
The Shop Grayslake app designed for both Apple
Here are some of the exceptions on the "free up- iOS and Android phones, is specifically designed
grade" from Windows 8.0 to 8.1 per HP: to help consumers explore the community’s com-
merce and tap its best bargains.
Answer: It contains a variety of helpful information such as
** Not all Windows 8.1 features may be available a business directory and restaurant-retail store
when updating to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8 guide.
(Continued on page 6)

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