Page 13 - index
P. 13

(Continued from page 12)
HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT BLUETOOTH Recently, I received an email informing me that my
PROBLEMS ON YOUR IPHONE OR IPAD – annual subscription to Rabbit TV Plus would in-
crease to $22 if I didn’t renew by April 1 . And the
Bluetooth can be a little finicky on its best of upgrade will also include a bonus free year of ser-
days. There are several possible points of fail- vice, a free HD antenna, and 9 free months of com-
ure between your iOS device and whatever bined premium services I just may give Rabbit TV
accessory you’re connecting to. Here’s how to another chance.
troubleshoot them.

Go to This How to Geek Website and read the
step by step article:

Rabbit TV Plus

Turn your computer into multimedia library

By Jasmine D’Katz

Bought this this online about a
year ago for $10 mostly out of
curiosity, but I haven't used it
for months, but keep getting 5 Tips To Help Prepare For The Snow & Cold!
email about what new, so I de-
cided to fire it up again. Being With forecasts calling for temperatures dip-
that most of the TV programs ping into the low 20s, we wanted to help make
available are not the ones that
I normally watch Rabbit TV has been collecting sure you are ready for when winter creeps in
dust in the desk draw. There may be many sites this weekend.
where you can access these movies and TV
shows but who has the time to google all of 1. Locate water pipes that are near exterior
them..... this baby does it all for you. Occasionally I walls
have a couch potato weekend and I was able to These pipes are the most vulnerable to freezing
find episodes from the Outer Limits (both old and and cracking. Make sure the pipes are proper-
new versions)...something that I have never been ly insulated.
able to find through Netflix or other sources. As an
Amazon prime member they were available, but I 2. Put an emergency winter kit in your car.
would have to pay for each episode. All 8 seasons Some ideas for a basic winter survival kit for in
and all episodes of the new Outer Limits and the your vehicle: flashlight, batteries, blanket, snacks,
two complete seasons of the older outer limits are water, gloves, boots, first-aid kit.
available. The $10 that you pay for includes a one
year subscription. 3. Remember to unhook any outdoor gar-
den hoses.
There are commercials included just like on most A connected hose can freeze and then break the
TV stations, but for this small price it is well worth outdoor spigot, causing water damage and extra
it. Not all seasons may be as complete as the Out- headaches.
er Limits; I am still exploring some of my other fa-
vorites. They seem to have a schedule for certain 4. Pick up some salt for driveways & side-
shows where you can see different episodes. Try it walks.
out and see what you think… If you have pets or children, a great alternative
is SafePaw, a 100% safe, salt free and environ-
Watch free TV on your phone anywhere with Rab- mentally friendly ice melter.
bit TV mobile app and get instant access to over
40 live web TV channels from all over the web.
You can see clips from the top TV networks like 5. Have a programmable thermostat in-
ABC, NBC, History, A&E, Discovery & more as stalled.
well as the latest news from around the globe. Lis- This can help save you money throughout the
ten to music videos from over 100 genres, from year, lowering heating costs and keeping your
classic rock to today’s top chart toppers home at the right temperature at the right times.

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