Page 12 - index
P. 12

Jere’ s Tech Tips gus updates to Instagram, Skype, WhatsApp, and
Chrome, as reported in a Help Net Security article.
Tips from Jere Minich
APCUG Adviser, Region 5 Users of the mobile version of Google Chrome
(AL, FL, GA, SC) should be extra careful when faced with unsolicited
offers to install a popular app, Kaspersky Lab re-
HOW HOLIDAY SHOPPERS CAN PROTECT searchers warn. Cyber crooks pushing the Svpeng
THEMSELVES FROM FAKE APPS (ABC NEWS Android banking Trojan are taking advantage of a
– 11/11/16) – Holiday shopping is underway and bug that allows them to force the download of the
this year, more people are tapping into their malware on the target’s Android device without any
smartphones to get the job done. But buyers be- user interaction, and other malware peddlers might
ware — there are fake apps posing as stores that soon hop on that particular train.
could steal money and personal information. This Trojan works only on Google Chrome. Other
Browsers are not affected.
In September, the FTC hosted a workshop on What to do: This threat might not be resolved for
ransomware, one of the most serious online several weeks. Until it is, I suggest using a mobile-
threats facing people and businesses today — and device security app such as Lookout Personal to
the most profitable form of malware criminals use. protect your Android system.
Check out the videos featuring conversations with
security researchers, technologists, law enforcers, WHAT YOU CAN DO TO STOP RO-
and business leaders. BOCALLS RIGHT NOW, by The Watch Dog,
November 10, 2016 Dave Lieber, The Dallas Morning News –
Ben Rossen, Attorney, Division of Privacy and Why isn’t the Robocall Strike Force – led by
Identity Protection the Federal Communications Commission,
AT&T Chairman Randall Stephenson and the
ANDROID USERS AT HIGH RISK FROM nation’s leading tech companies – working to
CHROME FLAW – LOSING YOUR PASS- make hideous Caller ID spoofing illegal?
WORDS ON AN ANDROID DEVICE.November Dave shares with you the latest tools to block
9, 2016. If you’re using your Android device for and filter bad callers. You don’t have to wait
online banking, you should be extremely careful the projected 20 more months until the Strike
about what apps you download in the next few Force completes its work to stop crooked call-
weeks. ers from pecking away at your sanity.

Exploiting a Chrome browser bug, malicious hack-
ers are installing a Trojan that steals banking cre-
dentials. The infection is typically delivered in bo-
(Continued on page 13)

“Member Helping Members”

Internet Security Meeting Dates
November 12, 2016
“Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they  January 7, 2017 Show & Tell
aren’t out to get you”  February 11, 2017 TBD

USA Today  March 11, 2017 TBD
Where are the real cybersecurity threats?  April 15, 2017 TBD
 December 9, 2017 Holiday Party
66 Ways to Take Control

10 Ways to Secure Your Mobile Phone Note: January and April are not on
the second Saturday.

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