Page 7 - index
P. 7

Tis the season to take photos. With today’s technology of tables and smartphone very few of us print pho-
tos any more, for our senior generating they still like the feel and touch of a tangible objects in their hands.
Because of this, instant prints are growing in popularity. There are a few new cameras and printers out
there to help you out.

or sepia. If you want duplicates, just hit the reprint
Let’s start with the HP Sprocket button. This little printer runs on CR2 lithium bat-
which will create 2x3-inch prints teries and the 10-print packs will run you about
from your favorite social media $8. $200
sites. This little printer uses
pulses of heat to activate layers Now if you want a high-
of crystallized dyes in Zink pa- speed scanner, let’s
per. You can print from Blue- look at the Epson
tooth and NFC wirelessly or you FastFoto FF-640 High
can print through an app for your Android or ISO Speed Photo Scanning
device. One of the neat feature of this printer al- System. I know you
lows you to print on adhesive-backed paper for have a shoebox full of
sticker fun. $129 photos in the closet that

Next we have the Fujifilm need to be digitized. This device is designed to
Instax Share SP3 blaze through 60 4x6-inch prints per minute at 300
Smartphone Printer. This dpi. The cool feature of this scanner is the two
portable printer, is about the scan heads that will also scan the back of your
size of the biggest photos for hand-written notes or date stamps. The
smartphone on the market scanner can handle prints up to 8.5 inches wide
and it makes a 2.4x1.8-inch and 12- inches long WOW! It is Windows compati-
prints on Instax Mini film ble and can auto color correct. $650
from your smartphone (or from Instagram or Face-
book) via WiFi. It prints in color or black-and-white,

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