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Phil’s Ramblings

s we approach year-end some of phone calls from our desktop tower
us may be reading the Black Fri- computer.
A ads and dreaming about a
new computer for ourselves. Or, thinking They also come in all price ranges.
of a computer gift to a family member. You can buy a computer on a USB
Now is as good a time as any to talk about stick for $100 or a smartphone for $50.
the many available alternatives. Or, you can buy a high-end MacBook
In today’s world, we are offered a wide va- Pro for $2,799 or an iPhone7 Plus for
riety of computer-like devices. Here’s a $969.
 Desktop all-in-ones, which in- And, they come with different operating
clude monitors, but require a keyboard & systems and application software. In computers,
mouse we have Windows, Apple OS, Chrome OS and a
 Free-standing desktop towers, which wide range of Linux distros. Tablets typically
require a separate monitor, keyboard come in Google Android or Apple iOS versions.
&mouse Although there are still some Windows phones
 Mini-desktops, which also require a being offered, most smartphones run Google’s
monitor, keyboard & mouse Android or Apple’s iOS. At the current time,
 USB computers; can convert a monitor these variations are fairly static, although vendors
into a computer. but require keyboard & do offer software upgrades from time to time.
 Laptops – desktop replacement (15.6” – However, Google is in the process of opening up
17.3”) their Chrome OS (which runs on Chromebook
 Laptops – “sweet spot” for capability / computers) to the Android Play Store. Google
portability (13.3” – 14”) started in early summer with three devices and
 Laptops – convertibles, 2 in 1, second- has since added four more. Their stated goal is
ary, simple (10.1” – 12.0”) to fully integrate most of the Android apps now
 Tablets – larger (9.0” – 12.0”), can be offered in their Play Store into Chrome OS; this
used with external display, keyboard & will provide Chromebook computer users the
mouse same computing experience and options now
 Tablets – smaller (7.0” – 8.0”); same as available to those with Android tablets and
above, but prized for portability smartphones. Once completely rolled out to all
 Smartphones – larger (5.5” and above); newer Chromebooks, this will provide the
“Phablets”; a small tablet with phone “Continuum” experience that Microsoft has talked
function about in the Windows world (but has failed to fully
 Smartphones – smaller (5.0” and below); implement because of their smartphone difficul-
easily portable phone, with computer ties) to those in the Chrome / Android world.
features At the same time, Google is working with
Chromebook manufacturers to add faster proces-
While these devices come in all sorts of variations, sors, more RAM and greater on-board storage to
using different operating systems and applications their products, in response to user requests for
software, from many manufacturers, they all offer an enhanced ability to work offline. The combi-
similar functionality. We can use smartphones to (Continued on page 9)
perform “computer” functions, and we can make

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