Page 3 - index
P. 3
panies on a subscription basis. While individ-
D uring the past month I’ve at- uals can subscribe for $240 a year, a better
tended a number of computer- alternative is to take advantage of subscrip-
related presentations at local librar- tions purchased by local libraries and availa-
ies. These included how to best use ble to their patrons for free. I have found four
various Google tools as an aid to local library districts which have such sub-
research of a particular subject (in this case scriptions – Grayslake, Cook, Fremont
genealogy), navigating YouTube to find videos (Mundelein) and Vernon Area.
of practical and entertainment value, how to
minimize my chances of being hacked and
how to use Microsoft’s new presentation soft- There is another option if your library does
ware, Sway. These presentations, plus related not offer this database. I spoke with a Cook
experiences, have reminded me of the wealth librarian yesterday, who explained their recip-
of computer-oriented information that is availa- rocal library card process. At either of the
ble. Here are some thoughts in that regard. two Cook library facilities a non-resident can
present a valid library card from another dis-
trict in Illinois or Wisconsin, and be granted a
While a number of local library districts offer reciprocal library card at Cook. This card
basic classes about computer use and com- does not grant full privileges, but does offer a
mon software (Microsoft Word and Excel, for way to access their subscription.
instance), there are a few which go considera- While reciprocal card holders will not have
bly farther. The library district with the most online access from their homes, as residents
(and most-varied) computer-related offerings is do, they will be able to use their reciprocal
Cook Memorial Library District, with facilities in card to utilize one of the library’s public com-
Libertyville and Vernon Hills. This was where I puters to access I have not
attended three of the four presentations I men- checked the policies at the other three library
tioned above. The fourth presentation was at districts; however, if one of them is closer to
the Vernon Area Public Library in Lincolnshire. where you live and you are interested in pur-
Most libraries offer quarterly catalogs of com- suing this option, it would be worth inquiring.
ing events, in print and/or online; I encourage
you to check out yours – and to go online to
check out offerings at neighboring libraries. I’ll use Sway as an example of how
(So far, I have not heard of non-residents be- and other educational options can
ing turned away from library programs, other help you learn more about a particular com-
than because of space limitations.) puter topic. Sway is new application software
released by Microsoft last fall. Superficially, it
resembles PowerPoint in that it is also a form
Along the same lines, check out the online da- of presentation software. However, while
tabases available through your library (and PowerPoint is typically used to create a visual
others that are convenient to you). During sev- aid for a live presentation, Sway is designed
eral of the presentations I attended, the speak- to create a standalone presentation that can
ers recommended that attendees follow up by be viewed online by the intended audience.
accessing the library’s database for The software itself is available as a free app
additional information about that night’s topic. in the Windows Store in Windows 10. Here is
I had never used that database before, and so a portion of the description shown in the Win-
looked into what it is all about. is dows Store (notice the almost 5-star user rat-
an online learning company based in Califor- ing for this app):
nia, which provides a wide range of personal
and business classes to individuals and com-