Page 8 - index
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(Continued from page 7)
linked in so I can always know when one is 6. You can take pictures when you didn’t even
coming up. think to bring a camera. Most smartphones
3. You can get some things accomplished dur- have two cameras, as part of the device. A
ing what would be wasted time. How many rear-facing camera for taking pictures of scen-
times have you sat in a doctor’s office much ery, and a front-facing camera for use with
longer than you expected? Sometimes there’s skype or for taking “selfies”. A camera might
a good reason for the delay, but that doesn’t be very useful if you get into a traffic alterca-
help you, if you have to sit and wait, unable to tion. By the way, with the camera on the
accomplish the things you expected to do. smartphone, you can even deposit checks into
Well, if you had your smartphone (which is re- your checking account without ever going to
ally a small computer), you might be able to the bank. All it takes is the check, your
accomplish some of those things you would smartphone, your bank’s App, and a steady
normally do at home. You could check your hand.
email. If you need to, you can even answer
your emails, at least if the answers are rela- 7. You can watch videos, or movies, if you are
tively short. (The keyboards on most stuck in a place where there is just nothing to
smartphones are probably only good for short do. Most phones have enough memory to hold
answers, although some people get very profi- a few movies, considering a movie might be
cient, using some of the special keyboard en- about 5 GB. And there is always video stream-
hancer Apps.) You could catch up on the ing if you have a Netflix or Hulu+ account. If
news. Newsreader Apps are very easy to use. you are in a Wi-Fi area you won’t even have to
You could check on your investments. Yahoo use up any of your “data”.
Finance is one App you might use. And if you
have done all the investigating you want to, 8. You can check the weather, but then you
you can always play a game like Solitaire, An- could always look out the window. However,
gry Birds, or 2048. Keep in mind that you could you can check the weather at any location,
do all this while listening to music from your and find out how the weather is up north
own music collection on your phone, or from a where some of your friends might be. Don’t
streaming service like Pandora or Spotify. you love to do this in the winter? I usually tell
them I just got out of the pool.
4. You can check or make a list of things you
want to do, or to buy, or whatever. There are 9. Your smartphone can act as a bunch of
many Note-taking Apps that keep track of useful tools. There are Apps that turn your
notes you create so you will not forget all those smartphone into a calculator (that’s not very
things you have to do before next weekend. earth-shaking), into a compass (that’s a neat
Some Note-taking Apps keep the notes in the trick), and even into a flashlight (bet you didn’t
cloud, so they’re accessible from any device, see that one coming). One neat calculator
and some keep the notes on your phone so even shows a tape, and lets you go back to
you don’t even need to have an internet con- see what each and every entry was. One of
nection. the compasses looks just like the one you
used when you were a boy or girl scout. And
5. You can determine how to get to a location the flashlight is a nice thing to have when the
and get directions to a place of interest. The lights go out, or you are in a dark movie thea-
Maps App and Google Earth give you great ter.\
views of places you may not be familiar with,
and they can even give you turn-by-turn direc- So, you might not need a smartphone, but you
tions to get anywhere from your current loca- might find some of these things helpful. And
tion. With these Apps, you can find the nearest when you look at the total list of things you can
restaurant or gas station, and get directions if do with that small device, you just might find
needed. And with “Cortana”, the Microsoft Per- this reason enough for you to trade in your
sonal Assistant, you can verbally ask for these trusty flip phone for a new smartphone.
things, and sometimes receive audible an-

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