Page 7 - index
P. 7

“I’ve fallen and I Can’t get UP”

By Randy D (the tech guy) Do I need a
Many of us have heard this phrase be-
fore, but now we are at that age where
this can really happen to us. There are By Phil Sorrentino,
many alternatives to getting help and Contributing Writer, The Computer Club,
one that I have recently run across is Florida
the Frist Alert Big Button Phone with
Safety Pendant. philsorr (at)

Many of you have already answered this ques-
tion in the affirmative. But for those of you who
might still be on the fence, here are a few
thoughts that might help make the decision.

1. Contact information is always available. Put
a phone number in your contact list and never
have to put that phone number in again. Phone
numbers in your phone can be synchronized
with the contacts in your email software. With
an Android phone, the phone numbers come
directly from the contacts list in a Gmail ac-
count. The phone numbers will always be
available and they will be backed up, so when
This phone features three one-touch keeps for you change phones (phone disaster or new
automatic emergency dialing, plus an emer- phone envy), the contacts will show up on your
gence remote pendant to wear in case of a fall, new phone. No need to reconstruct or transfer
break-in or other emergency. Simply press a your phone numbers. Addresses are also han-
button on the pendant to dial a stored contact dled in the same way.
and play you own pre-recorded emergency
message. Best of all there are no monthly 2. Your Calendar is always available. How
fees! The phone features 3—number speed many times have you been asked “Is Thurs-
dial, oversize keys making easy to read with- day, the 24th, at 2pm ok?” Doesn’t it seem that
out your glasses, talking dialer keys, digital every doctor’s office visit ends with that ques-
clock, indicator LED lights and smartphone. tion? Well, with your calendar available on
Phone plugs into an AC outlet. Pendant battery your phone, you can easily answer the ques-
included. tion and propose an alternative, if need be. Not
only can you see your appointments on the
First Alert Big Button Phone with Safety Pen- calendar, but you can see appointments on
dant sells for $79.99 @ Walmart and Sharper other calendars, if you link them. You can easi-
Image. ly see your appointments and your significant-
other’s appointments, so that a good decision
can be made. I even have a calendar with im-
portant dates like birthdays and anniversaries

(Continued on page 8)

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