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6) How satisfied are you with your ability to submit information or articles for in-
         clusion in the newsletter?

               ( ) Very Satisfied
               ( ) Somewhat Satisfied
               ( ) Satisfied
               ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
               ( ) Dissatisfied
               ( ) Undecided

         7) How much do you agree or disagree that the issues covered are important to
         association members?

               ( ) Strongly Disagree
               ( ) Disagree
               ( ) Undecided
               ( ) Agree
               ( ) Strongly Agree

         8) Do you feel the newsletter effectively provides information important to the
         overall needs of the members?
               ( ) Yes

               ( ) No
               ( ) Don't Know

         9) What, if any, information or sections would you like to see included in the
         newsletter in the future?

         10) What, if any, sections do you think should be removed from the newsletter?

         11) Overall, how satisfied are you with the regular newsletter?
               ( ) Very Satisfied
               ( ) Somewhat Satisfied
               ( ) Satisfied
               ( ) Somewhat Dissatisfied
               ( ) Dissatisfied

               ( ) Undecided

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