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The door prize was won by Stephanie Risinger.
                                                                She selected a Smart Phone rain-proof bag

                                                                Liz Barnett won the 50/50 raffle, she and the
                                                                club each receiving $8.00.

         Membership Chairperson Report                          Congratulations to all prize winners!

         As of 3/10/18                                          Thanks to Linda Busch for making the coffee
                                                                and to Liz Barnett and Linda Busch for provid-
         Members = 52
                                                                ing munchables for us.
         Attendance =56%
                                                                This month's program was “Your Last Laptop,
         THANK YOU FOR JOINING                                  the Chromebook", by Mike Andrews.  He also
                                                                touched on the subject of Home Automation.

         THANK YOU FOR RENEWING                                 Another great meeting and I hope to see you at
                                                                our April 21 meeting which will be at State
         Mike McEnery                                           Bank of the Lakes.  Since the April meeting will
         Ted Zalewski                                           be our 34th anniversary celebration, please be
         David & Diana Carlson                                  in a party mood!
         Gary Quarnstrom
         Jean Moran                                             Les
         Liz & Fred Barnett
         Stephanie Risinger
         Linda Busch

         Rita Gabrulsen
         Elaine Kujawn
         Joan Schure

                                                                        Howard Jacobs

         L.C.A.C.E. Club Historian
         History Report, 2018-03-10 Meeting                                Bobby Jacobs
         By Les Larkin                                                  Jean Moran

         Our January meeting was conducted by Phil
         Bock.  The nomination of L.C.A.C.E. officers             Dwight Johnson (J.J.)
         was concluded.  Elections will be at our April
         21 meeting.                                                  Robert Koudelka

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