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(Continued from page 6)

                                                                       A couple of days later, she started anoth-
         and  look  at  some  of  the  reviews.  You  will  find       er book, read a few chapters and had to
         many of the router manufacturers you are famil-               put it down as things get busy around the
         iar  with,  like  Linksys  and  Netgear,  but  you  will      first  of  the  month.  Sure  enough,  after  a
         also find some new names such as Eero, Luma                   couple  of  days,  she  gets  an  email  from
         and Amped Wireless, as well as Google. So, if                 Amazon  asking,  “how’s  it  going.”  Guess
         you think you have dead spots in your Wi-Fi set-              she  wasn’t  reading  enough  and  needed
         up at home, you may want to give one of these                 to  be  prodded.  Now,  I  don’t  know  what
         two possible solutions a try.
                                                                       you think of that intrusion, but I find it re-
                                                                       ally  disturbing.  Guess  we’ll  have  to  get
                                                                       used to it or take the Kindle offline.

               No Personal Privacy
                                                                   2)  An important part of being safe online is
                                                                       keeping  your  computer’s  software  up-to-
                                                                       date.  Outdated  software  often  contains
         By Matt Batt, President, The Computer Club, Inc.,             security exposures that can provide hack-
         Florida                                                       ers  access  to  your  computer.  Outdated
                                                                       software  can  also  be  buggy  and  have
         December  2017  issue,  The  Journal  of  The  Computer
         Club                                                          performance  issues  which  are  usually
                                                                       fixed  with  a  newer  version  of  the  soft-                                       ware.  Unfortunately,  if  you  have  lots  of
         mbatt453 (at)                                       different  programs  this  is  an  onerous

         I want to share (1) something to think about as
         we enter this time of “no personal privacy;” (2)              Patch  My  PC  Updater  will make patch-
         a very useful program for keeping your PC ap-                 ing  your  PC  easy.  It  is  free  and  keeps
         plications up-to-date; and (3) a fun website for              over  165  apps  up-to-date  on  your  com-
         displaying street views of houses.                            puter. It is an easy way to update or in-
                                                                       stall  any  of  these  programs  on  to  your
             1)  My wife was reading a book on her Kin-
                dle  and  was  getting  close  to  the  end.           computer.
                She  wanted  to  finish  the  book,  so  she
                cloistered  herself  in  the  snug  family
                room  chair  and  had  at  it.  After  about           When you open Patch My PC Updater, it
                half an hour, she finished the book and                will  scan  your  system  for  outdated  pro-
                explained that it really was a great book              grams. It will show programs that are out-
                and she really enjoyed it. A moment or                 dated in Red, programs that are updated
                two later, her cell phone made the noise
                for an incoming email and she reached                  in  Green,  and  programs  that  are  not  in-
                over  and  read  it.  It  was  from  Amazon            stalled  in  Black.  With  one  click  you  can
                and it asked her how she liked the book                easily  do  all  your  updates.  You  can
                that  she  just  finished.  That  was  so              download  Patch  My  PC  from  https://
                spooky!  It  really  made  us  feel  like  our
                privacy  had  been  compromised.  I’m  a
                very strong proponent of technology ad-
                vances  and  all  the  good  things  that  it                                        (Continued on page 8)
                can bring, but this just seemed like too
                much and too close.

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