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(Continued from page 7)                                  Echo,  and  Cortana  for  Windows.  Microsoft  Of-
                                                                fice and Windows 10 recently have added or up-
            3)  On a more fun note, I’ve been sharing a
                website  called          graded speech features that provide both text to
                When  you  go  to  the  site,  you  get  a  box   speech and speech to text. Speak is a new fea-
                where you can type in an address. It’s a        ture  that  helps  you  proofread  what  you  have
                simple  interface  that  lets  you  display  al-  typed by listening to the computer read it aloud.
                most  all  locations.  Just  start  typing  the
                location’s  address  and  the  background
                Google Map is updated in real-time. Like
                any  other  regular  Google  Map,  you  can
                drag the map, zoom in/out, and select the
                following  views:  map,  satellite,  hybrid,
                and  terrain.  Wherever  available,  Show                 For example, if I’m typing a Word doc-
                My  Street  will  automatically  display  the   ument and want to see if my wording is smooth
                Google Street View of the address. Type         and accurate, I can use “Speak” to hear how it
                the address one character at a time and
                watch  the  location  that  it  displays.  It’s   sounds. The Speak feature is also found in other
                amazing.  The  views  can  be  directly         Microsoft apps - Outlook, PowerPoint, and One-
                shared  on  Twitter  and  Facebook.  You        Note.

                                                                To use ‘Speak,’ click anywhere in a document.
                                                                Then     click   the    Review     tab    on    the

                                                                                                ribbon.    In   the
                                                                Speech group, click ‘Read Aloud,’ which opens
                                                                an audio control bar. Click the right-pointing sin-
                                                                gle  arrow,  then  sit  back  and  listen.  You  can

         Use Speech to Control                                  choose  a  male  or  female  voice  by  clicking  the
                                                                setting  icon  which  resembles  a  person  on  the
         Your PC and Compose                                    audio bar.

                                                                Windows Speech Recognition (WSR):

         By  Nancy  DeMarte,  2   Vice  President,  Sara-       Windows has had a speech recognition feature
         sota Technology Users Group, FL                        for  several  years.  This  tool  lets  a  user  dictate
                                                                into a microphone without the use of a keyboard
         October      2017     issue,    STUG       Monitor     or mouse and have his or her speech translated                                          into  text.  It  can  be  used  to  compose  articles,

         ndemarte (at)                              write letters or emails, fill out forms, or complete
                                                                other  writing  tasks.  You  can  also  use  WSR  to
                                                                perform  the  basic functions  of  a  computer, like
         Many  modern  devices  have  digital  voice  per-      opening an app, selecting a word, showing a list
         sonalities that can help you find things or com-       of commands, and adding punctuation. Original-
         plete  tasks.  Some  of these even  have  names,       ly,  it  was  difficult  to  set  up,  but  the  current
         like  Siri  for  Apple  devices,  Alexa  for  Amazon
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 9)

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