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(Continued from page 1)                                Wi-Fi dead spots? — Try a
                                           can  call  them      Wi-Fi extender, or maybe a mesh network
                                           on  it!  It's  called
                                           FIXD.  It  is  the   By  Phil  Sorrentino,  Technical  Thoughts,  Sarasota  Tech-
                                           first easy-to-use    nology Users Group, FL
                                           car        health    September 2017 issue, The Monitor
                                                                philsorr (at) /
                                           BEST      PART:      If your home is very large or if there are many
                                           When         that    walls  between  your  router  and  the  location  at
                                           "Check  Engine       which you want Wi-Fi access, you may have Wi-
                                           Light"    comes      Fi dead spots. Your Wi-Fi signal, as all electro-
                                           on,  FIXD  tells     magnetic emanations, is diminished by distance
                                           you       exactly    and  by  certain  intervening  objects,  such  as
                                           what's  causing      walls. (Your specific Wi-Fi capability is depend-
                                           it  in a  way  any-  ent  on  many  things,  but  a  typical  Wi-Fi  router,
                                           one  can  under-     using the 2.4GHz band and 802.11n, can work
         stand. No more looking up codes or taking it to        100 to150 feet with no intervening objects.). Not
         the dreaded auto shop only to be given a list of       to  get  very  technical:  for  distance,  the  signal
         unnecessary repairs – never again! You can al-         drops  off  proportional  to  the  inverse  of  the
         so turn off the check engine light right from the      square  of  the  distance;  and  for  intervening  ob-
         FIXD App if the problem is not serious or if you       jects, the loss getting thru the object is depend-
         want to see if it will reoccur. How cool is that?!
                                                                ent on the type of material and its density; metal
         Sounds  Great,  But  How  Much  Does  It  Cost?        may  stop  the  signal  dead  in  its  tracks.  So,  if
         With all the benefits FIXD provides, you'd think it    there  is a  line-of-sight  back  to the  router,  dead
         would cost a few hundred dollars, right? That's        spots are probably far from your router. If there
         what makes this company so great. The found-           is no line-of-sight back to the router, you might
         ers of FIXD made it incredibly affordable so they      have dead spots wherever the signal encounters
         can help as manypeople as possible avoid get-          a lot of loss going thru walls and objects. (I have
         ting scammed by mechanics, while also staying          seen a reference to Wi-Fi as being a “3 wall so-
         on top of their car's health. It retails for only $59   lution”, meaning that the signal may get through
         and you can purchase it on their official website.     no more than three walls, so if you have a spot                               more than three walls away from the router you
                                                                will probably have a dead spot.)
         Don't wait until it's too late! A small investment of
         a little more than that cost of an oil change can      So, if you have a dead spot, or dead spots, you
         keep  your  car  running  smoothly  and  out  of       may want to think about a Wi-Fi extender (a sim-
         shady auto shops.                                      ple solution), or even a new “mesh network” (a
                                                                more involved, more expensive solution). A Wi-

                                                                                                     (Continued on page 6)

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