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(Continued from page 5)                                communications network made up of many nodes
                                                                (access    points),   organized     in   a    highly-
         Fi extender is a device that may look like a rout-     interconnected grouping where all nodes cooper-
         er, but is a receiver and transmitter. It receives     ate in the collection and distribution of data in the
         the Wi-Fi signal and immediately retransmits the       network.  Each  node  is  a  router  and  an  access
         signal.  The  retransmission  may  then  be  re-       point for your devices. The size of the area to be
         ceived by a device that is in a dead spot of the       covered  will  determine  how  many  nodes  you
         original signal, (but not in a dead spot of the ex-    would  need  to  install.  (One  recommendation  I
         tended  signal).  The  Wi-Fi  extender  simply  ex-    saw was to install a node every 50 to 75 feet, but
         tends the area that the Wi-Fi signal may be re-        that depends entirely on the shape of the installa-
         ceived.  When  you  set  up  an  extender,  you  do    tion  area.).  From  Wikipedia,  “Mesh”  refers  to  a
         have to make sure that the Wi-Fi extender is not       rich  interconnection  among  devices  and  nodes.
         placed in a router dead spot. If the Wi-Fi extend-     Wi-Fi  mesh  networks  consist  of  routers  and  de-
         er can receive the router signal, it will retransmit   vices that use the network. The devices are typi-
                                                                cally  the  laptops,  tablets,  and  smartphones  you
                                                                have  in  your  home.  The  mesh  routers  (access
                                                                points) send messages to the devices, and other
                                                                routers.  The  routers  are  placed  in  an  arrange-
                                                                ment so that each one can send and receive from
                                                                at  least  one  other router.  The more  routers  that
                                                                can send and receive messages from many other
                                                                routers,  the  more  robust  the  network  will  be.
                                                                (Though I have seen some indications that there
                                                                may  be  some  practical  limits  as  to  how  many
                                                                nodes can be used in a home mesh network.). A
                                                                mesh network is usually highly reliable due to its
                                                                multiple redundant paths to a device. If one node
         it  and  devices  that  can  receive  the  extender’s   is inoperable, the other nodes can still communi-
         signal will be included in the Wi-Fi network as if     cate  with  each  other  directly  or  through  one  or
         they got the signal directly from the router. Wi-Fi    more of the other nodes. This type of network can
         Extenders can be purchased for anywhere from           be  very  dynamic,  much  like  the  internet  itself.
         about $50 to $200, depending on features and           (The internet topology and design allow for mes-
         capabilities. You may even find one below $50 if       sages  to  be  re-directed  around  nodes  that  may
         you  wait  for  a  sale;  I  found  one  for  $25  and  it   be inoperable so that a message always arrives
         seems to do the job quite well. If you are inter-      at  its  intended  destination. Though,  this may  be
         ested  in  reviewing  some  possible  choices,  just   hard  to  believe  if  you  have  ever  had  an  unex-
         Google  “Wi-Fi  extender  reviews”  and  you  will     pected and unexplained temporary problem with
         find a good number of reviews based on price,          an internet session.).
         features, and specifications. So that is the easy      From reviews I’ve seen, a mesh network may be
         (and less expensive) solution, and probably the        a great solution for a large home or a home with
         one you will want to try first.
                                                                multiple levels. If a mesh network seems to be a
         The other solution, the Wi-Fi Mesh Network so-         solution  for  you,  do  a  little  research  before  you
         lution, is more involved and usually much more         jump  in.  Google  the  term  “Wi-Fi  mesh  network”
         expensive.  A  mesh  network  may  be  $200  to
         $400, or more. Basically, a Mesh Network is a                                                (Continued on page 7)

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