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Device Mechanic
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it card from BOA with an expiration date of Smartphone & Table Repair
April 2019 and a credit limit of $200. BOA will
create a virtual CC for you, incorporating that By Jasmine D’Katz
information and adding a unique credit card Several months ago, I dropped my iPad Pro
number and CVV code. You provide that when exiting my vehicle. Although I keep it in a
ShopSafe credit card information to your ven- protective case, but this time it was unzipped
dor, to keep on file to automatically pay your and the iPad fell on the corner of the on/off
monthly bill. As next April approaches, you switch. Fortunately I didn’t damage the screen,
can add dollars and time to that card to ex- but the case was dented enough where I could-
tend it into the future. Meanwhile, since the n’t turn the iPad off. For months it didn’t bother
ShopSafe card is linked to your primary BOA me, but I was most upset that I was not able to
credit card, those monthly charges will appear take screenshots.
on your primary card statement.
I went online to find my closest Apple store and
Here’s how the security aspect kicks in. Once made an appointment to get it repaired. Upon
an initial charge is made against a ShopSafe arriving at the store in Schaumburg, I checked in
card – in this case by Netflix – that ShopSafe and was assigned to a agent to evaluate the re-
card can only be used for Netflix charges. pairs. I was informed that it would close $599 for
Even if Netflix security was breached and the repairs. Being that this was over half of the
someone got hold of your ShopSafe credit price I paid for the iPad, I decided not to have it
card info, he or she could not use that card for repaired at the Apple Store.
anything other than Netflix. Moreover, only
you can add time or dollars to that card – so I noticed a facilities advertising iMac in
the card would become inactive the moment Waukegan so I dropped in and asked it they re-
the credit limit is reached, or the expiration paired iPads, but was given the name of a repair
date arrives. Another plus is that you can store in Kenosha. I looked them up and called,
cancel that ShopSafe card at any time, with- and was informed that they did service iPhone
out any effect on your primary BOA credit and iPads. Upon arriving the store personnel ex-
card. So, if you are notified of a data breach amined my iPad and informed me to what they
at a vendor that you use, you can instantly could do to fix my problem. I was then informed
cancel the ShopSafe card that you had given it would probably take a couple of hours for the
him in the past, create a new ShopSafe card repair and the cost would be about $40.
for him and be back in business within 15 To my delight, the repair did the job and the final
minutes! cost was $43. Because of the rapid and reason-
Not every bank / credit card company offers able service, I would highly recommend this
something like this, but it is certainly some- shop if you are in need of service for your phone
thing to inquire about for future purchases. or tablets.
Device Mechanics
7224 118th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53142
(262) 515-6644