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Phil’s Ramblings
Hopefully, the weather will have improved by the date – thus simplifying installation for those with
time you read this column! (it is snowing as I limited-storage devices.
write this on April 9 ….)
On a different note, have you seen the recent
I’ve been seeing more and more about the news about data breaches at Saks, Fifth Ave-
spring Creators Update for Windows 10. No nue, Lord & Taylor, Delta Airlines and Sears? If
specific date for release, but all indications are not, you should be aware that these breaches
we should see it sometime this month. just keep coming! One common thread is the
theft of credit card information, including – in at
These large spring and fall updates have
caused problems in the past for those who have least some cases – the “CVV” number from the
32 GB notebook computers such as the HP back of the card and expiration dates. In other
Stream, because they are required to have ap- words, all the information someone needs to or-
proximately 8 GB of free storage to install the der online via credit card.
update. This is not a problem for Windows us- Every time we give a vendor our credit card in-
ers with desktop computers or laptops with the formation in an online transaction, we run the
more typical 500 GB or more in storage, but it risk that they will not successfully safeguard it.
can be a problem for notebook users with limited This is especially true in situations where we
-storage devices who have installed various ap- may leave a credit card “on file” with the vendor,
plication software packages. for automatic subscription renewals or for
“convenience” in placing future orders.
There is a ray of hope for those with limited-
storage Windows notebooks or tablets this time What can we do to protect ourselves in this envi-
around. I recently decided to reenroll in the ronment? Well, in addition to all the usual ad-
Windows Insider Program, using my HP Stream vice about monitoring your credit card bills and
notebook. After cleaning out everything that I watching for notifications from the affected com-
could from my computer by deletion or transfer panies, I suggest that you consider an alterna-
to the installed SD card, I still did not have tive that at least one large bank provides. Bank
enough free memory to install the latest Insider of America offers a “ShopSafe” credit card alter-
build. However, I was then offered the option of native, linked to a standard Bank of America
installing a blank USB drive to complete the in- credit card. This gives the BOA credit card hold-
stallation. I did so, and it became apparent by er the option of creating a single-use credit card
the flashing light in my USB drive that the up- with a specific expiration date and a maximum
date was transferring data to and from that drive charge limit. Here’s an example of how this type
as the installation continued. In short, the instal- of card works……
lation was successfully completed, without fur- Let’s say you have a recurring monthly bill, per-
ther incident.
haps for Netflix. Request a new ShopSafe cred-
With any luck, this same option will be made
available for the upcoming spring Creators Up- (Continued on page 4)