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(Continued from page 9)                                take a moment to pair your phone with the car.
                                                                While the setup process varies from vehicle to
         CarPlay connection/Bluetooth signal as a mark-         vehicle,  the  iOS  side  of  things  is  always  the
         er that the car is parked). If you meet those two      same.
         requirements,  let’s  look  at  ensuring  the feature   You’ll  need  to  put  your  car’s  stereo  or  dash-
         is on and linked to your car and then how to use       board system into Bluetooth pairing mode, then
                                                                navigate  to  Settings  >  Bluetooth  on  your  iPh-
         How to Set It Up                                       one.
         By default, the new feature should be enabled in       Ensure your Bluetooth is on.
         iOS 10 without any fussing on your behalf, but
         that  doesn’t  mean  everything  always  goes  off

         Ensure the Parked Car Reminder Is On

                                                                Scroll to the bottom of the device list to see the
                                                                unpaired  devices  in  your  vicinity  you  can  pair
                                                                your phone with. Pair with  your vehicle’s Blue-
                                    It only takes a second      tooth connection and you’re ready to go.
         or two to check if the setting is on, so let’s do so
         now.  On  your  iOS  device,  open  the  Settings      Remember, the system only works if your Blue-
         menu and scroll down until you see the entry for       tooth is on. If you toggle Bluetooth off, you won’t
         the “Maps” app, as seen below. Select it, then         get the parking reminders, because your phone
         scroll  down  again  until  you  see  the  entry  for   won’t know when your car is near.
         “Your Car”.                                            How to Use the Parked Car Reminder
         If “Show Parked Location” is already on, leave it      Once you’ve ensured the Parked Car reminder
         be and close the settings app. Otherwise, toggle       is  turned  on  and  your  phone  is  linked  to  your
         it on.                                                 car, the Parked Car reminder will automatically
                                                                set itself every time you park and exit your vehi-
                                                                cle. You can absolutely ignore the feature until
                                                                you need it, but you may wish to interact with it
                                                                First, let’s look at how you can use the Parked
                                                                Car  feature  even  if  you  do  absolutely  nothing.
                                                                Any  time  you’re  away  from  your  vehicle,  you
         air Your Phone with Your Car                           can  check  your  notifications–in  the  screenshot
                                                                below you can see the parking reminder on the
                                                                iOS  10  lock  screen  notification panel–and  look

                                                                                                    (Continued on page 11)

                                                   If   you
         haven’t already been using Bluetooth in your car
         for phone calls or music playback, you’ll need to

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