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Phil’s Ramblings

                                                                books  and  even  view  movies  –  on  your
                                                                smartphone,  tablet  or  computer  -  all  at  no
                                                                charge.    If  you  find  that  such  services  are  of-
                                                                fered by your library but are not sure how to ac-
                                                                cess / use them, you can stop by and ask a ref-
                                                                erence librarian for assistance.

                                                                Our  annual  Holiday  party  is  coming  up  before
                                                                long – on Saturday, December 8 , to be exact.
                                                                Please  put  this  on  your  calendar,  and  plan  to
                                                                join us for a relaxing and fun time.  As a remind-
             Hello, everyone!  Not lots of tech news this       er, one of the highlights of the event is the draw-
                                                                ing for our big raffle prizes.  This raffle can be a
             Microsoft  is  still  investigating  the  various   money-maker for our club  –  but  only  if  we  sell
             problems  with  their  October  2018  Windows      enough raffle tickets to more than cover the cost
             Update,  and  as  of  this  writing  has  not  yet   of the prizes.  This where you come in – please
             started  sending  it  to  user’s  computers.   get in touch with J.J. or Judy, either in person or
             Meanwhile, it is working fine on my desktop        otherwise,  to  pick  up  raffle  tickets  to  sell  to
             and laptop – but then I have not investigated      friends, family or yourself!
             and tried the new features introduced by this      And  don’t  forget  the  Ugly  Sweater  Contest!
             update.  Continuing to use my computers in         Time to dig through those old clothes you have
             the same fashion as in the past, I’ve not ex-      always meant to get rid of, in search of the per-
             perienced any problems.
                                                                fect sweater.
             For those with Apple desktop or laptop com-        As  always,  our  party  will  be  in  the  downstairs
             puters,  Mojave  is  now  showing  up  on  your    meeting  room  at  the  Grayslake  State  Bank  of
             screens  as  a  recommended  operating  sys-       the Lakes.  And, as always, please remember to
             tem  upgrade.    I’m  not  an  Apple  expert,  but   park  on  the  side  of  the  bank,  leaving  room  in
             most  commentary  I’ve  seen  on  the  Web         front for bank customers!  Thank you!
             about Mojave is favorable and installation is
             recommended.    The  November  2018  issue         Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
             of  Macworld  contains  a  related  article,  “5
             Reasons Why  You  Should  Upgrade  to  MA-
             COS MOJAVE””.  (If you are not a subscrib-
             er,  you  can  read  this  magazine  for  free  if
             your  library  offers  access  to  “rb  digital”  as
             part of their e-Library services.)

             Speaking of which, I encourage you to check
             out  the  e-Library  offerings  at  your  library.
             You may find that you can view magazines
             and  books,  listen  to  music  and/or  audio-

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