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(Continued from page 6)                               crosoft’s very high-end SQL Server and only
                                                                  runs on Windows. SQL Server Express is also
            A good free alternative to the commercial pro-        very high performance and has an excellent
            grams is LibreOffice Base. It also has a nice         visual front-end for designing and managing
            visual frontend. However, the native database         databases.
            engine in Base is fairly limited, so it’s best to
            use Base as a visual front-end to a more so-
            phisticated database engine / server, such as         PostgreSQL is a free download from
            MySQL or PostgreSQL (see below).             It runs on Windows,
                                                                  Linux, MacOS and Unix. It has a very rich
            Full-Featured FREE Relational Database                browser-based visual front-end, pgAdmin, for
                                                                  designing and managing databases.

            I’ve been recently looking at a few free full-        Summary
            featured database server products that run on
            Windows. Of these, Microsoft’s SQL Server             Depending on your needs and skills, a simple
            Express, Oracle’s MySQL and the open                  MS Excel or LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet
            source PostgreSQL all combine high-end serv-          may be the perfect solution for managing your
            er functionality and performance with the ulti-       various data collections. Spreadsheets are al-
            mate low price (FREE). You can run these on           so easy to back up and to share with others.
            the same PC as your end-user applications, or
            you can run them on another PC acting as a
            network database server.                              For more sophisticated users, the flat file data-
                                                                  base tools may be the way to go – especially if
                                                                  you’re running a small business or supporting

            At this point, I’m most familiar with Oracle’s        a non-profit or charity.
            MySQL, which runs on Windows, Linux and               The full-featured database server products
            MacOS. I’ve built an experimental version of          may be overkill for a home user, but it’s hard
            the sign-in system that uses MySQL data-              to beat the price. To use them, you will need
            bases instead of MS Access databases. As a            to spend time on learning their features, in-
            true database server engine, its performance          cluding getting a working knowledge of the
            on a network is much better than that of MS           Structured Query Language.
            Access. MySQL is often used as the database
            engine to support websites. It can scale to re-
            trieve thousands of records per second. De-
            spite this, MySQL was very quick to download
            and install on my Windows desktop at home.
            MySQL is accompanied by the MySQL Work-
            bench visual front-end, which isn’t quite as
            nice as MS Access, but does a decent job.
            You can get MySQL at: https://

            SQL Server Express is a free download from
   It is a “light” version of Mi-

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