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                                                                                Club Historian

                                                                L.C.A.C.E. Club Historian
                                                                History Report, 2018-10-13 Meeting
             Membership Report                                  By Les Larkin
             September 21, 2018                        <>
                                                                  Our October meeting was conducted by Phil Bock.
             J.J. Johnson                                       Since the annual Holiday Party & Raffle is ap-
             Membership Chairperson                             proaching, Phil encouraged us to get the raffle tick-

             Members: 44                                        ets out so we can help pay for the prizes.
             Meeting Attendee: 14/32%
                                                                Joyce Page won the door prize. She selected an LED
             THANKS FOR JOINING                                 desk light. Our 50/50 winner was George Becht,
             None                                               who won $7.00. Congratulations to both winners!

             THANKS FOR RENEWING                                Thanks to Linda Busch for making the coffee, and
             Barton & Diane Berendtson
                                                                to Linda, Liz Barnett, and DeBorah Sirilla for provid-
             THANKS FOR VISITING                                ing munchables for us.

                                                                This month's program was "Social Networks and
                                                                Privacy" by Bobby Jacobs.

                                                                Another great meeting, and I hope to see you at
                                                                our November 10 meeting at the Grayslake library.

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