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Freshly Squeezed Reviews Twitterrific 5, a whirl. Twitterrific is tailored for
current Macs. It supports Notification Center,
What Was Old Is New Again Retina displays, built-in sharing, full-screen
mode, and VoiceOver. You can change fonts,
By Frank Petrie, YMP Now select type and avatar sizes, adjust line spacing
and more. Impressively, it incorporates Acces-
September 2018
sibility allowing users to navigate their timeline (s), compose tweets, and attach image descrip-
TMC-NLC (at) tions using VoiceOver.
July 15, 2006. A major date in social media his- What initially caught my eye was its minimalist
tory. Twitter is unleashed upon the world. At its UI. It was laid out pretty much as other Twitter
launch, there was but one client - Twitter’s. Af- clients but somehow it felt more comfortable.
ter time, Twitter released its grip on the service As pretty much every app does now, you have
and permitted third-party clients. My first one a choice between Dark Mode or Light Mode.
was Twitterrific. Loved it. But as time flew by, I But it had a third option that I haven’t seen
became itchy and found a newer client with a elsewhere - Black Mode. Normally, when you
different UI plus some other bells and whistles. choose Dark Mode in an app it goes to black.
But in Twitterrific, Dark Mode is more of a mix-
Fast forward to Spring 2018. Whilst checking ture of dark blue and gray. Very easy on the
the MAS for updates, I spied something intri- eyes as the contrast was slightly less stark.
guing out of the corner of my eye. Twas an old
friend - [Twitterrific] ( I particularly liked the sounds associated with
mac). actions such as retweeting, liking, et al. Yes,
they still are computer generated sounds, but
(Continued on page 4)
Re-imagined from the ground up to be the Contents
Mac's most friendly, powerful and modern Twit- Phil’s Ramblings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ter client. Twitterrific makes Twitter fun.
Windows 10 Paint 3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
I was beginning to tire of my current client, so I L.C.A.C.E. Holiday Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
thought that I would give the latest version,
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butions which will be acknowledged in this newsletter. Send articles to Permission is
granted to reproduce any or all parts of this newsletter in other User Group publications, provided that credit
is given to LCACE and the individual author (s). Logo designed on an Atari Stacy Laptop in 1989 by Dwight