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Phil’s Ramblings

         A happy, healthy 2019 to us all!                       For anyone who I may have overlooked, my

         Before getting into our 2019 LCACE plans, let          apologies and a big THANK YOU to you, as
         me take a minute to thank all the folks who            well!
         made our December Holiday Party a success!             - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         A big THANK YOU! to:                                   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         Liz Barnett and her kitchen helpers for manag-         We’ll be starting off 2019 with our popular “Show
         ing our food planning, preparation, display and        ‘n Tell” meeting on January 12  at the GAPL.
         clean up – and for cooking our turkeys!                The shared knowledge and fun will be up to

         Everyone who brought food – homemade or                YOU!  Please bring a piece of recently-acquired
         store-bought – to provide us with a sumptuous          gear and/or software to demonstrate to your fel-
         spread!                                                low LCACE members.
         J.J. Johnson for purchasing our raffle and door        Looking ahead, our next meeting will be on Sat-
         prizes, providing photo services and acting as         urday, February 9 , at the GAPL.  Linda Rohlf-
         Master of Ceremonies for our games and con-            ing and I are considering several options and will
         tests!                                                 look forward to your input at our January meet-
         Judy Dunham for arranging for our raffle tick-
         ets, selling them and providing her two charm-         Liz Barnett is working with the GAPL to nail
         ing granddaughters to help distribute our priz-        down our March meeting date.  As soon as we
         es!                                                    have a firm date, we’ll let you know.  Program
                                                                suggestions / volunteers will be appreciated!
         Linda Busch for helping with ticket sales!  Rich
         Garling for serving as our Santa Claus!  DeBo-         2019 promises to be an exciting year from a
         rah Sirilla for suggesting a variety of games to       technology standpoint!  As Mike Andrews
         help enliven the day!                                  shared with us via group email, AT&T has
                                                                scheduled a phased roll-out of 5G cellular ser-
         All participants and judges involved in our Ugly       vice throughout 2019. While AT&T seems to be
         Sweater Contest – and to J.J. for buying easily        focusing their efforts on the cellular phone side,
         transportable prizes!
                                                                Verizon is doing their own 5G roll-out with an
         Everyone who purchased or sold raffle and/or           emphasis on home Internet service.  This should
         door prize tickets!  The revenue you provided          be very interesting; stay tuned!  (And, keep in
         pays for the prizes (and hopefully adds some           mind that our current cell phones will not work
         dollars to our bank account).                          with 5G technology; while we may still be able to

         Those who stuck around to help clean up, in-           use existing phones at 4G speeds on new 5G
         cluding Fred Barnett, Lester Larkin, Linda and         networks we will have to buy a new 5G phone to
         Bob Koudelka, Lou Seidenburg and others!               take full advantage of this new technology.)
                                                                We’ll see changes inside our homes, as well, as
                                                                Wi-Fi 6 rolls out in 2019.  Based on upgraded
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 4)

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