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(Continued from page 3) Base ](
Twitterrific) on its site.
802.11ax technology, this new standard will The app looks great on the iPhone 8+ and my
support faster Wi-Fi speeds and greater iPad 10.5” but is stunning on my iMac. I’ve never
throughput. My understanding is that we will felt comfortable using a Twitter client on my
need to purchase new hardware to support this main machine before. And Twitter’s web page
802.11ax standard – a router and either new was an abomination! But I find Twitterrifc a joy to
computer(s) and phone(s) with Wi-Fi 6 capabil- use on my iMac. A strange feeling, as I primarily
ity, or separate Wi-Fi 6 adapters. (Some manu- live on my iPhone to the point that I have often
facturers have already announced new Wi-Fi 6 composed, gathered graphics, and submitted
routers, with first-half 2019 availability, and at my reviews from it. (Unexpected. My iMac has
least one will be showing its new product at the become my social media device and my iPhone
Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Ve- has morphed into my computer.)
gas next week. Check on announcements from
that show for more information / commentary.)
(Continued from page 1)
they are not your typical alert sounds. To me
these sounds seem to be a computer and or- The experience of using Twitterrific in iOS is no
ganic hybrid. It was also impressive that they less pleasurable. The actions, icons, sounds,
had different sounds for when you undo actions. settings, et al. are similar on the iOS version as
As with other Twitter clients, there is support for on the macOS version. I know - ‘DUH!’ But odd-
multiple timelines from the same account or ly, I have come across apps where you have a
several accounts. Naturally, there is syncing slightly different experience particular to each
across all of your devices. You have the choice platform.
of syncing with two services: iCloud or Tweet I will not miss Twitter’s client skipping town. I jet-
Marker. tisoned it as soon as I could years ago. My for-
Initially, I had no difficulty syncing my iPhone mer client stood me in good stead for many
and iPad but couldn’t get my iMac to sync. I was years but was growing long in the tooth. Now the
using iCloud, so I switched to Tweet Marker but old kid is the new kid in town.
fared no better. I doubled back over the instruc- The macOS version is normally $19.99 but as I
tions but to no avail. write this there’s a 60% discount, bringing your
I contacted support via email and received a re- cost to $7.99. it requires Mac OS X 10.11.6 or
ply within a little under 24 hours. (As is usually later and is 64-bit. The iOS version is free. It re-
my case, they had received no such issue re- quires iOS 9.3 0r later.
ported before. Most likely another case of OM - By all means, give it a bash.
Operator Malfunction.) After a bit of fiddling, all
seems to be in working order now.
©2018 Frank Petrie
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