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Figure 4. Moto Camera in Manual Mode.

            Many apps offer high dynamic range (HDR) where they take several photos at different expo-
            sures and combine them with the goal of showing details in both the very bright and the very dim
            areas. In my experience, it is very difficult to obtain acceptable HDR results, even with a profes-
            sional camera and high-quality photo processing software. The results with a phone camera and
            its app software are often disappointing, but you have nothing to lose by trying. The technique
            won’t  work  on  moving  subjects;  even  leaves  moving  in  the  background  will  cause  problems.
            Some apps, for example Open Camera (available from the Play Store), have a dynamic range
            optimization (DRO), which processes the shadow and highlight areas differently in a single im-
            age. This works  for moving subjects and I’ve found the improvement often approaches that us-
            ing HDR. Open Camera will also save the individual images it combines into an HDR one, which
            enables you to use your PC processing software and perhaps get better results than with the ap-
            p’s software.

            The capabilities of a photo app depend on the version of Android under which it runs and on
            what features the vendor has enabled. To get everything you need, you will have to experiment
            and probably install more than one photo app.

            We can summarize this discussion as follows.

                ·  Hold the camera firmly with both hands and use a dedicated button to release the shutter
                    and squeeze rather than jab at it.

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