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Hello, everyone!  Looks as though summer has            already  read  about  at  least  one  community
        finally arrived.  (Having our summer picnic in the      pushing back on a cell provider about the num-
        air-conditioned comfort of the State Bank of the        ber and appearance of these new antennae.  As
        Lakes this July turned out to be a good thing!)         a result, the provider has agreed to paint all their
                                                                antennae  within  the  affected  community  to
        And, speaking of our picnic, a big “Thank You!”
        to Liz and Fred Barnett, Gail Garling and every-        match  the  color  of  the  light  posts  they  are
        one else who brought food to share and helped           mounted on. I expect that we will see more ar-
        with the set-up and clean-up! Lots of good stuff        guments like this as the roll-out progresses.
        to eat and lots of good conversation.  Mary, you        Hardware providers are beginning to roll out Wi-
        obviously have trained Fritz well; he is an expert      Fi 6 routers (802.11ax in the old nomenclature).
        with the vacuum cleaner!                                They  promise  much  faster  data  transmission
                                                                within your home or business, and some provid-
        Looking ahead, we have lots of interesting topics
        to  address  in  coming  meetings.    Thanks  for  all   ers  are  considering  this  technology  as  a  com-
        your  input;  Linda  Rohlfing  and  I  will  be  sorting   petitor  for  Internet  service,  against  fiber-optic
        through the various suggestions and looking for         cable from Xfinity or AT&T.  You will need a new
        help from our members to serve as presenters.           router  to  take  advantage  of  this  higher  data
        Meanwhile, we are offering a choice of topics for       transmission  speed  within  your  home  network,
        our  August  17   meeting,  to  be  decided  at  the    but I  wouldn’t  rush out  right  now  and  buy  one!
        meeting by attendees.                                   (Prices on currently range from the
                                                                $300s to the $400s.)
        Please note that our August meeting will be on
        the 3  Saturday of the month; in September and          On a national note, I am seeing more and more
        October, Liz Barnett has been able to snag the          articles that suggest the U.S. is behind the curve
        meeting room for the second Saturday.  We will          in  cyber-security.    You  may  remember  that
        let you know as soon as possible about the date         cyber-weapons  were  stolen  from  NASA  a  few
        for  November’s  meeting,  so  that  you  can  put  it   years ago, and we are still seeing the repercus-
        on your calendar.  (Our annual Holiday Party is         sions  of  this  theft  in  new  versions  of  ransom-
        scheduled for the second Saturday in December           ware targeting large organizations.  Meanwhile,
        (12/14).                                                questions  have  been  raised  about  the  security
                                                                of  our  electric  grid  and  other  national  systems
        Still  not  much  in  the  popular  or technical  press   being used to run major portions of our econo-
        about Microsoft’s Windows 10 May 2019 update,           my.    The  feeling  expressed  in  these  articles  is
        which I take as a good thing!  I’ve updated both        that up till now we have not fully comprehended
        my desktop and laptop without a problem; hope-          the security risks to our key infrastructure com-
        fully, you also have had a positive experience if       ponents, our secret information and our election
        you’ve installed that update.                           systems and we must make “catching up “a ma-

        Cellular providers are continuing the 5G roll-out       jor national priority.
        in selected areas.  Not much in the news about           In  closing,  let  me  remind  anyone  still  using  a
        their  progress,  which  I  assume  is  going  slowly.   Windows  7  PC  that  Microsoft  will  terminate  all
        As you may have read, this cellular service can-        support for Windows 7 in the middle of January
        not  use  the  4G  antennae  already  in  place.    In-  2020  –  about  five  months  from  now.    You  will
        stead, it will require many more, smaller anten-        still be able to use your Win 7 PC after that cut-
        nae, typically placed on light posts or other struc-    off, but you are advised to avoid using it on the
        tures sprinkled throughout the service area.  I’ve                                          (Continued on page 6)

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