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(Continued from page 1)                                charge your other devices and so avoid having
                                                                to  carry  separate  power  converters.  However,
         Begin  by  seeing  what  you  can  do  with  just  a   this  will  take  more  time  than  using  a  charger;
         smart  phone.  If  you  are  going  overseas  where    check before you leave home.
         roaming charges can be high, assume it’s con-          If your hotel has wired Ethernet in the room you
         figured not to make calls. You can still use it for    can use a travel router to provide better service
         communications by using a Web communication            than Wi-Fi___33. Some hotels limit the number
         service, such as Skype, when you are at a Wi-Fi        of devices you can connect to their Wi-Fi___33
         hotspot. Its music player and e-book reader can        or  charge  separately  for  each  one.  If  you  con-
         entertain  you  en  route,  provided  of  course  that   nect your devices to Wi-Fi___33  through a trav-
         you  load  the  media  before  you  leave  home.  It   el router, shown in Figure 1, configured as a re-
         will  also  let  you  read  your  e-mail  and  surf  the   peater,  that  is  the  only  device  registered,  re-
         Web,  although  its  small  screen  makes  these       gardless of how many devices connect through
         less efficient than using a PC. You can also in-       it. See my article on travel routers in the Novem-
         stall apps to track your credit and debit card ex-     ber    2014     Bytes,     available    at    http://
         penses,  safeguard  your  passwords,  and  calcu-
         late currency conversions. Most cell phones in-
         clude  a  GPS,  but  by  default  they  continually
         download maps from the network. If you want to
         use this feature where you don’t have cell-phone
         service,  you  must  first  download  and  install
         maps  into  your  mapping  app,  such  as  Locus
         Map for Android. (Be aware that mapping apps
         can  be  complex  and  configuring  them  may  re-
         quire  some  work;  start  this  well  before  you
         leave.)  Finally,  it  has  a  camera  to  save  your
         memories. Of course, you must install and con-
         figure the needed apps and become comfortable
         with  them  before  you  leave  home.  Expect  to
         spend considerable time to get this right.

         Thus,  with  a  properly  configured  smart  phone
         you can send and receive messages, access the
         Internet,  navigate,  secure  your  sensitive  data,
         and take photos. However, you may decide that
         you  want  additional  equipment  to  escape  the
         phone’s limitations and are willing to accept the
         additional baggage, the extra delays at security       Figure 1. Travel Router.
         checks, the added effort to safeguard the equip-       A  pocket  GPS  with  extra  replaceable  batteries
         ment, and the financial risk of losing it.             will help you find your way longer than a smart
                                                                phone and may provide more features and offer
         Small and light laptops are not expensive but try
         to  make  yours  do  jobs  besides  the  obvious  e-   more choice of maps. (Use it before you leave
         mail and Web surfing. For example, you can up-         so you can find how long it will operate on a set
         load  data  from  your  camera,  cell  phone,  and     of batteries.) Many free maps of areas all over
         GPS, so that you retain the data if one is lost or                                         (Continued on page 5)
         damaged.  You  can  also  use  its  USB  ports  to

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