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Thoughts from a                                                        Need

                         Clicker                                                      To

         Author: Tiny Ruisch, Member, Cajun Clickers Computer
         Club, LA                                                                Know
         August 2019 issue, CCCC Computer News

         tsa70785 (at)

         This month I’m going to rant, rave, criticize and      BLUF:  A hacking group has tar-
         complain just a little. About a year ago, before I     geted U.S. veterans through a
         moved to the Baton Rouge area, my wife and I           fake hiring website hosting mal-
         were in one of the home improvement stores. I
         thought that it would be a good time to pick up a      ware.  The hacking unit, known as
         new water filter for our refrigerator. I went over     Tortoiseshell, created the "Hire
         to appliances and told them I needed a new fil-        Military Heroes" website. The site
         ter for a Whirlpool. He immediately asked me           encourages users  to download
         which of the nine filters I needed. Of course, I       an app that exposes computers to
         didn’t have the filter number memorized. So, I
         found our refrigerator on the sales floor and told     "spying tools" and other malware.
         the salesman, “One to fit that model.” I got
         home and found that it was the wrong size filter.      Ref:
         When I went back to exchange it, I found out 
         that a different model year almost always uses         tortoiseshell-hacker-hire-military-
         a different filter.
                                              (Continued on page 7)

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